#i think she would


Wedding Day

pairing(s):Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss/Mikasa Ackerman, Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss & Ymir

tags:friendship, banter, tooth-rooting fluff, marriage, everything is beautiful and nothing hurts, a bit of humour, other characters are mentioned



Oh, Historia thinks as she stares at Mikasa. She’s so beautiful.

It’s not a sudden realisation, she had already known that but not like this. Not in the way it hits Historia as it dawns on her that she’ll get to see Mikasa like this, all smiles and bright eyes, for the rest of her life, will be able to go to sleep and wake up to her, will be able spend her life tangled with Mikasa’s for as long as they want — in sickness and health, until death does them apart.


“Getting cold feet?” Ymir teases.

“I’mnot.” Historia says, but she doesn’t know if she’s just trying to convince herself.

“No need to worry, babe. You’ll do just fine. I promise you.”

“…Really?” Historia can’t help asking, the way her voice goes small and uncertain.

“I promised you, didn’t I? I’m a girl who keeps her promises. If anyone or anything tries to mess your day up I’ll beat them up.” Ymir says, in her ruthless, no-argument voice.

“Even the weather?” Historia teases.

“Even that, baby girl.” Ymir says, grinning, as she pats her head roughly.

“Ymir!” Historia shouts as she bats her hand away. “They just fixed my hair. Stop messing it up!”

[Read On Ao3]
