#i thought i was clever


Noun; a distinctive relative size, extent, or degree
Character(s): Arshtat Ejinn, ft. Madoc Parnell @thrillofbattle


They had found each other, despite it all. Two souls set adrift from the same place and yet a place completely different. Each walking a path of their own making. And despite it all, again and again despite it all, their paths had collided. 

Everything of them was different. The opposite. To compare any part of them would give vast degrees of contrast. A breach easily seen at a glance. Polarity. 

He was a man of her homeland, yet he had never known it. His life had been harsh, shaded by a monster that haunted his steps. He was raised near the sea. The salt air was familiar to him. She was a woman of her kin. Destined to lead, destined for many things. She had only ever known the wind upon the plains, the feel of the river. 

She was slight and quick. She drew arrows across her bow as if it was an extension of herself. The skill she carried was never flaunted. Was usually hidden by a demure smile and a gentle word. He was strong and solid. He wielded axes with the ferocity of a beast. He was loud, yet playful. Confident yet not foolishly so.

Her hand fit against his. It was small, pale, tender . Like the rest of her. Skin like silk, littered in soft scales that glittered like water under the moonlight. They were the colors of the sea, deep blues and violets. 

His arms could easily hold her. Coiled strength reserved for times not with her. He was branded in a story of scars. The sun had aged him, muscles colored in the shades of earth. When her exploring touch trailed across his scales, they were hard, broken. Deep and dark.

If she was water, calm and cool, then he was fire, destructive and passionate.

Yet despite it all such differences, when they looked upon each other, they could not see them. It was not a scale they used to measure the force that had brought them one another.

They could not be more different. But what did that matter.
