#i usually dont share emotional stuff like that but


Yeah a thing that I haven’t told here but I definitely want to : I identify both with Toya and Keigo and that’s why they are my comfort characters

Toya : we share trauma and kinda trauma response

- being the eldest + gifted kid burnout, emotional neglect and abuse, mental breakdowns and tearful confrontations as a kid, rage against our f*ther and a heavy need of confrontation today to finally get excuses

Keigo : we share sunny personality

- he kinda hide everything behind his big smile and laugh and basically he acts dumb…. well same bro, I add “lmao” a lot at the end of my sentences to hide the damn depression. Life is not daijobu but we can still lie to ourselves

OWKAY kinda cringe, kinda introspective I may delete this later? Idk lmao well
