#i wanna scream





Isn’t gathering a social behaviour?

It turns out being sociable is antisocial when landlords collude with the police to get public amenities taken away from working class people to boost property values under the guise of fighting crime. There are already virtually no public toilets left in this country, now people can’t sit unless they pay to use a cafe or pub. Old people and the disabled have it bad enough already without this.

It’s like all the London bus stops where there are no benches, just thin strips of plastic set too high and too close to the stop’s wall for anyone to actually sit. Because making sure homeless people can’t sleep there is apparently more important than letting the elderly and disabled have a place to sit while they wait. But this… I mean, wow. How are you going to hostile architecture your way out of letting people have a park?

trying so hard not to talk about That but like my destiel runs in the family amv that i made with imovie on my phone in between classes during senior year of high school has better editing than that fucking trailer


I don’t think he does, Jayce.

linipik: for @/lilyeclair ‘s DTIYS on IG of her Klance Tangled AU magnificent comic <3


for @/lilyeclair ‘s DTIYS on IG of her Klance Tangled AU magnificent comic <3

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