#i want to give ko-fi tip this is so amazing



hi there @catcactusoww!!  it’s me, your gifter for this year’s mass effect holiday cheer!  i hope you enjoy this january jubilation :3  you said that you have two favorite dates for reese and thane, and i so wrote both of them for you and they can be found on ao3!

fic can be found here
rating: G
pairing: Thane Krios/Shepard
length: 4172
summary: two scenes for reese shepard and thane. a gift for catcactusoww on tumblr for the mass effect holiday cheer

THIS IS AMAZING! OHHHHHHH THE SHIP SCENE! the cozy getting to know you cooking ahhhhhh I LOVE IT! thank you, thank you, thank you !!!!!!!!! 
