#i want to read about the chaos pls


i have a spoiler book question that i really want to know. i don’t want to know any bigger details as to who exactly etc., but like a general estimate. (under cut cause spoiler)

alright we had some forsaken appear in book one but, well, if you read it you know. i am still on book two cause i haven’t had the time to continue reading and i am at the scene where egwene, elayne, nynaeve and min are wandering through the ways with liandrin. i have been spoiled (accidentally, but i don’t mind it) about the end fight and that it basically ends similarly to book one. i mean it focused on the fight rand has with whatshisface (i forgot his name don’t judge pls). and of course i have already met selene(and i do know who she is).

noooow my question is in regard to the forsaken in general. again, i don’t need exact details, i will be reading that when i get to it (so no need to rafo me. i will), but in which book will they start to become more prominent so that we as reader will also actually find out more? like i really just want to know in which book they are starting to get more directly mentioned. don’t need a chapter, don’t need a page number. just the book title. cause i want to know more about these chaotic fucks forsaken and so far it’s just been selene, creepy dream invading mask dude who likes to brawl at the end of the books and those two chuckle heads who appeared and died at the end of book one. just want to know how long i still have to wait (and how much i still have to read) until i understand all the memes. ;____;
