#i wasnt done


7 Flowers for each Riordanverse character based on flower language.

Strap in, this is gonna be a long one.

Percy Jackson:

  1. Apple Blossom: Preference. Fate speaks him great and good
  2. Blue-Flowered Greek Valerian: Rupture
  3. Camomile: Energy in Adversity
  4. Hawkweed: Quick-Sightedness
  5. Larch: Audacity. Boldness
  6. Mistletoe: I Surmount Difficulties
  7. Southernwood: Jest, Bantering

Annabeth Chase:

  1. Azalea: Temperance
  2. Canterbury Bell: Acknowledgement
  3. Cloves: Dignity
  4. Hundred-Leaved Rose: Pride
  5. Indian Lagerstroemia: Eloquence
  6. Red Catchfly: Youthful love
  7. Walnut: Intellect, Stratagem

Grover Underwood:

  1. Bearded Crepis: Protection
  2. Bluebell: Constancy
  3. Cactus: Warmth
  4. Convolvulus: Bonds
  5. Larkspur: Lightness, Levity
  6. Magnolia: Love of Nature
  7. Water Lily: Purity of Heart

Jason Grace:

  1. Blue Violet: Faithfulness
  2. Broom: Humility. Neatness
  3. Fennel: Worthy all praise, Strength
  4. Garden Marigold: Uneasiness
  5. Mint: Virtue
  6. Sycamore: Curiosity
  7. Woodbine: Fraternal Love

Leo Valdez:

  1. Chinese Chrysanthemum: Cheerfulness under Adversity
  2. Fern: Fascination
  3. Fleur-de-lis: Flame. I Burn
  4. Penciled Geranium: Ingenuity
  5. Peppermint: Warmth of Feeling
  6. Thyme: Activity
  7. Yellow Balsam: Impatience

Piper McLean:

  1. Acalia: Temperance
  2. Amaryllis: Pride, Timidity, Splendid beauty
  3. Cabbage Rose: Ambassador of Love
  4. Coreopsis Arkansa: Love at first sight
  5. Holly: Foresight
  6. White Dittany of Crete: Passion
  7. White Mullein: Good Nature

Frank Zhang:

  1. Canary Grass: Perseverance
  2. Christmas Rose: Relieve my Anxiety
  3. Coriander: Hidden worth
  4. French Willow: Bravery and Humanity
  5. Milfoil: War
  6. Small White Bell Flower: Gratitude
  7. Sweet Violet: Modesty

Hazel Levesque:

  1. Aconite-leaved Crowfoot: Luster
  2. Balm of Gilead: Cure. Relief
  3. Flowering Almond: Hope
  4. Holly Herb: Enchantment
  5. Lote Tree: Concord
  6. Lucerne: Life
  7. Sweet Basil: Good Wishes

Reyna Ramirez-Arellano:

  1. Ash-leaved Trumpet Flower: Separation
  2. Barberry Tree: Sharpness
  3. Branch of Thorns: Severity. Rigor
  4. Goat’s Rue: Reason
  5. Quamoclit: Busybody
  6. Striped Carnation: Refusal
  7. White Oak: Independence

Nico di Angelo:

  1. Amethyst: Admiration
  2. Lavender: Distrust
  3. Milkwort: Hermitage
  4. Oleander: Beware
  5. Red Balsam: Touch me not. Impatient resolves
  6. Weeping Willow: Mourning
  7. Yellow Acacia: Secret Love

Rachel Dare:

  1. Auricula: Painting
  2. Beech Tree: Prosperity
  3. Dandelion: Rustic Oracle
  4. Gooseberry: Anticipation
  5. Purple Clover: Provident
  6. Ragged Robin: Wit
  7. Scotch Fir: Elevation


  1. American Starwort: Welcome to a stranger. Cheerfulness in old age
  2. Buckbean: Calm repose
  3. Flowering Reed: Confidence in Heaven
  4. Goldenrod: Precaution
  5. Marsh Mallow: Beneficence
  6. Olive: Peace
  7. Rhubarb: Advice


Before ToA

  1. Bundle of Reeds with their Panacles: Music
  2. Glory Flower: Glorious Beauty
  3. Love Lies Bleeding: Hopeless, not Heartless
  4. Nightshade: Truth
  5. Prophetic Marigold: Prediction
  6. Scarlet Poppy: Fantastic Extravagance
  7. Sweetbrier: Poetry, I wound to heal

After ToA:

  1. Agrimony: Thankfulness. Gratitude
  2. Everlasting: Never-Ceasing Remembrance
  3. Flos Adonis: Painful Recollections
  4. Lotus Leaf: Recantation
  5. Moschatel: Weakness
  6. Scarlet Lychnis: Sunbeaming Eyes
  7. Small Bindweed: Humility

Meg McCaffrey:

  1. Borage: Bluntness
  2. Burdock: Importunity, Touch me not.
  3. Dogwood: Durability
  4. Mouse-Eared Chickweed: Ingenious Simplicity
  5. Mushroom: Suspicion
  6. Oak-Leaved Geranium: True Friendship
  7. Thornless Rose: Early Attachment

Luke Castellan:

  1. Aloe: Grief, Religious superstition, Affection
  2. Begonia: Beware
  3. Belvedere: I declare against you
  4. Dark Geranium: Melancholy
  5. Quaking Grass: Agitation
  6. Raspberry: Remorse
  7. Thorn Apple: Deceitful Charms


  1. Abatina: Fickleness
  2. Buttercup: Ingratitude. Childishness
  3. Citron: Ill-Natured Beauty
  4. Dahlia: Instability
  5. Madder: Calumny
  6. Tall Sunflower: Haughtiness
  7. Wild Geranium: Steadfast Piety


  1. Cornel Tree: Duration
  2. Crowsbill: Envy
  3. Garden Anemone: Forsaken
  4. Lotus Flower: Estranged Love
  5. Vervain: Enchantment
  6. White Camellia Japonica: Perfected Loveliness
  7. White Clover: Think of me

Thalia Grace:

  1. Arbor Vitae: Unchanging friendship. Live for me
  2. Checkered Fritillary: Persecution
  3. Elder: Zealousness
  4. Purple Columbine: Resolve to win
  5. Sainfoin: Agitation
  6. Yellow Carnation: Disdain
  7. Zephyr flower: Sickness, Expectation

Will Solace:

  1. Allspice: Compassion
  2. Ambrosia: Love returned
  3. Cowslip: Pensiveness. Winning Grace
  4. Honeysuckle: Generous and Devoted Affection
  5. Oak Tree: Hospitality
  6. Spearmint: Warmth of Sentiment
  7. Wild Grape: Charity


  1. Bay Leaf: I change but in death
  2. Birdsfoot Trefoil: Revenge
  3. Box Tree: Stoicism
  4. Columbine: Folly
  5. Hazel: Reconciliation
  6. Mountain Laurel: Ambition
  7. Tremella Nestoc: Resistance


  1. Beech Orchis: Industry
  2. Cabbage: Profit
  3. Passion Flower: Religious Superstition
  4. Pidgeon’s Berry: Indifference
  5. Polyanthus: Pride of Riches
  6. Scarlet Auricula: Avarice
  7. Wolfsbane: Misanthropy


  1. American Cowslip: Divine beauty
  2. Centaury Bluebottle: Delicacy
  3. Chestnut Tree: Do me Justice, Luxury
  4. Crown Imperial: Majesty, Power
  5. Hydrangea: A Boaster. Heartless 
  6. Laurel: Glory
  7. Narcissus: Egotism


  1. Agnus Castus: Coldness, Indifference
  2. Bilberry: Treachery
  3. Hop: Injustice
  4. Lobelia: Malevolence
  5. Parsley: Festivity
  6. Purple Larkspur: Haughtiness
  7. Rue: Disdain