#i will never understand

EXIT POLL, noun - a poll of people leaving a polling place, asking how they voted. Used in many diff

EXIT POLL, noun - a poll of people leaving a polling place, asking how they voted. Used in many different nations after elections, appearing back in history as far as the 1940′s. If you’d like to know more about the general concept, it has its own wikipedia page right here.

If you’re curious about how the United States conducts exit polls specifically, there’s some more information in this article here.

If you’re interested in just learning the specific demographics from the 2016 election exit polls, because you have inexplicably managed to not once come across them by the middle of 2018, there’s a thorough break down here.

I found all of this information in a google search that probably took me less time to complete than it took you to type your very important and not at all tedious comments.

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why do y’all automatically go to “ it’s a pr relationship” when ya favorite celebrities get a lover?or when two co stars get together?
