
Regram @Renee.domonique Renee you are so beautiful! When I first saw this picture I thought, God is

Regram @Renee.domonique

Renee you are so beautiful! When I first saw this picture I thought, God is so good to give us such diversity! He has made you so fearfully and wonderfully. There are so many interesting bits to your womanly body! When I read the post that goes along with this picture it was such an internal slap in the face. We are all so beautiful yet we struggle to see our own beauty at times. I can easily look at your body and see the beauty but can get lost pointing out the flaws in my own. Let’s be kind to Ourselves. We’re really pretty

#effyourbeautystandards #bodyconfidence #love #bodylove #iamperfect #iamnoangel #beautiful #celebratemysize #celebratecellulite #honormycurves #curves #curvy #woman #perfect #perfectbody

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