#iasip podcast


Glenn asking Charlie why he didn’t just kiss boys in highschool

sunnyblr our time is coming…

you know what this ep didn’t make me laugh as hard but it was really laid back and insightful, i liked it a lot

love how as soon as megan isn’t there there’s at least one technical difficulty

and charlie stop being self conscious about your voice challenge, it’s fucking awesome and unique

rob: so i have this show, mythic quest…

glenn: mister…? mythic is that it? what

glenn: but anyway so i did this show, ap bio

rob: ap–ap what? bio? sounds weird

rob and glenn: but okay so charlie!! tell us about your critical and commercial success hit movie horrible bosses :)

oh btw guys the podcast has closed captions on youtube now! very cool

see!!!!!!! charlie does like the memes!!!! i fucking knew it!! asshole, lying about it in that ep

charlie being a little self-conscious about not liking social media, all like “i’m not on twitter, i don’t know why actually…” being met with glenn’s immediate “i know why” was SO satisfying. the quickness with which he said it made me so sure his explanation was “you’re private and it’s all that matters” even before he gave it

i completely forgot about the iasip podcast ep today

how. i’m scared. i always wake up on mondays thinking about it
