


Pom of Power! ✨

I hand embroidered the Pom of Power symbol from Hades!


My first fill for @witcher-bows-and-arrows!!!!

Feb 4 prompt - song 



Warnings: no warnings apply

Summary: "Well it’s coming onto 13 years together, babe
I pray that it’s the luck… a lucky, lucky number
And although I know I’ve brought you joy and happiness, babe
I’ve also been a fec… a fecund resource for anger

‘Cause it’s all a part of the game
Yeah, it’s all a part of the symphony
And I pray that your face is the last I see
On a peaceful afternoon

- Peaceful Afternoon - Rufus Wainwright 

Also this fic is set in a nebulous future that is about 13 years after my fic The Art Teacher (Never Have I Loved Any Other Man). Geralt and Jaskier are in their early 40s in this fic.

Thank you to the lovely @trickstermoose67 for betaing for me!!!!

Read it on AO3

Geralt was greeted by the twang of a guitar being played when he came inside through the back door after tending to the garden. It was a common occurrence living with a musician. Jaskier’s newest album had been in the works for months now, which meant that he was working on songs whenever inspiration struck.

Walking further into the kitchen, Geralt placed the small bouquet of flowers he had picked on the table and shucked off his gardening gloves. He then rifled through the cabinets to find a suitable vase to put the flowers in.

Once the flowers were placed in the vase, he went about making tea. He grabbed two mugs, one for him and one for Jaskier. His husband was sure to have let his last mug of tea turn cold while composing.

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