#icarly review


Okay so I’m still disappointed with the lack of Creddie scenes this episode, but it did have some moments I genuinely enjoyed and found funny. Some LOL moments for me:

Spencer asleep with his eyes open. So random.

Freddie passing out in the wrong direction.

The Freeze Tag jokes.

“African American mail” really got me. I felt like that hit the contemporary cultural moment on the head.

I feel like Derek said smthn i laughed at but I forgot now.

Also I liked Millicent way more this episode! She felt a lot more her age and it was nice to see her doing some normal kid activities like the school project and having a crush. I don’t see a real future for her and Derek bc she’s much smarter than him and they’re 12 or something LOL but it was still a cute storyline. Predictable he wasn’t talking about her on the phone, but I’m happy to see a “cool” kid who isn’t a jerk.

Carly’s plot was kinda wild. It was nice to see her and Harper spend so much time together since they’re BFFs and have had some separate plots going on lately. I hated the prankster guy but was still surprised the moral was smthn like “sometimes violence is permissable” when i thought the ep was headed in a “find a healthy outlet for your negative emotions” thing. Ngl tho, I was happy to see him get the hell beaten out of him by the end because he was a literal stalker and pretending to be ill and/or disabled at the beginning for a prank. I know EXACTLY what kind of person he’s parodying and they’re the worst. I also feel like I always like a kind of unexpected ending rather than the anticipated moral over and over.

Still no Creddie tho; ugh they barely interacted this ep. We’re not even really seeing Freddie’s relationship with Pearl, so the romance has been a remarkable absence throughout this whole season. I feel like they’re trying way harder to focus on “hot topics” like influencer issues & political subjects from a funnier angle, but I kinda get sick of that and would really, REALLY like some romance escapism.
