


i hope this email finds you in the middle of a gunfight, in the center of a restaurant

who the fuck is lupin and why are there three of him

Frank Iero is trending on tumblr because he cut his hair, why are y'all like this hfgfgjvfhh /lh

list of posts currently being circulated that aren’t funny:

- “gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss” or anything else that makes a joke out of gaslighting.

- the post about the knight who got burned at the stake for being gay but it’s okay to make jokes about it because he had a funnee name hehe /s

haiiii thx @plasticgirlplasticgun 4 tagging meh!

Link to picrew

I’ll tag @mysinsaremyown and anyone else who wants 2!

another day of purposefully looking at things I know will upset me :/

sometimes i don’t want to be on this website anymore. every day i see things that make me want to start biting people.

“my child is fine” your child feels gender envy towards gerard way

damn what’s w all these slnt hll blogs rbing from terfs. where are all the normal slnt hll fans?

i think if you’ve never eaten a donut, staunchly refuse to eat a donut, refuse to watch donut making videos or read recipes on making donuts, that you probably shouldn’t be writing donut recipes or reviews based on spaghetti ingredients.
