#idea bank

echeveriia: my bridge across the river, covered in flowers and vines because i can’t help myselfecheveriia: my bridge across the river, covered in flowers and vines because i can’t help myself


my bridge across the river, covered in flowers and vines because i can’t help myself

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Here are all the ideas for fics I want to eventually write ._.)/


Anime Stuff

࿏ enters fast food / sees dabi with cube / work smart not hard / villain enters / she takes the cube and yeets it at him / I was almost done! / you didn’t have a single color / I was almost there! / He leaves and mistakenly takes her drink

࿏ Promise to marry. Loves her. Goes to jog, yamamoto asks is he single noya says no lev gets upset and isn’t paying attention gets lost can’t stop crying she finds him and he confesses.

࿏ Pairing: Konoha x Reader (euph) Trope: Mary Sue (casey) Genre: Angst, Romance (desk-gun) Prompt: Fire (kyokosasagawa) Word Count: 1,111 (janellion)

࿏ Heart Beats #18: Lovers When you return to the cabin, Atobe is awake. You explain what happened and everyone decides to go to bed. Before you can, however, he comments about how the two of you have become lovers. Choutarou flushes and Shishido pipes in thinking that being lovers means having sex, making Choutarou quickly deny the accusation. Atobe chuckles while you facepalm. Atobe then explains that lovers simply means ‘a person in love with another’.

࿏ Flaws, Part 3You accept what you did was wrong - you never should have lied and kept something so dark from the one you claimed to love. It hurts, but you decide that Jirou is better off without you in his life. It hurts, but you let him go. But what if he realizes how empty he feels without you? Can he actually bring himself to overlook who you are and love you despite everything?

࿏ Unnamed, Akaya, Part 1Akaya needs to take a shower after finding himself the victim of a prank, but after hearing the high schoolers talking about how the shower room is haunted, he refuses to go alone. Everyone else is asleep, so he bugs you to go along with him. You plan on standing outside, but he demands that you stand watch inside. Halfway through his shower, a loud and eery moan fills the room. He screams and launches at you, his naked body pressing against yours as close as he could get it. You climb up the wall and pull a knife from your boot to pry the speaker from the wall, showing that he had gotten pranked.

࿏ Unnamed, Akaya, Part 2Akaya was pranked again. You sit in his room while he strips down to his boxers, listening to him complain about why he keeps getting pranked. You simply tell him that it’s because he is cute and that if he stops reacting, they will get bored and move on. He now only has one pair of clean clothes left, so he begs you to wash his dirty clothes for him. Sanada walks in to find the half naked boy sitting on your lap and freezes, demanding to know what’s going on. He claims that you are corrupting the second year. Akaya doesn’t understand what the big deal is, and you simply state that there isn’t one because you’ve seen dicks before. Sanada, trying to hide his blush, yells at you and throws his balled up jacket, hitting Akaya in the face and sending him to the ground. Deciding to aid him, you quickly grab his clothes and head for the laundry room. He rushes to get dressed and follows, sitting ontop of the machine. Again, he questions what the big deal is, since you had already seen him naked and he trusts you. You suggest that he not tell Sanada that. Smut ensues.

࿏ Unnamed, MihashiMihashi is being bullied by some other kids in the park when you stumble across them. Being an ex-gangster, you were easily able to lift the kid off the ground and scare him shitless with just a few words. Mihashi is crying and apologizes for being so weak. You wipe his tears and give him your long sleeved shirt as it’s a bit cold outside. “There’s always someone stronger than you out there. Besides, if you get stronger, I wouldn’t get the chance to save you.” He smiles and your heart skips a beat. You ask if he’s ever had his first kiss and then ask if you can take it from him. He nervously agrees and you pull him close, sharing your first, of many, kisses.

࿏ Unnamed, Marui A high schooler named Murai develops a test syrum that turns Marui into a vampric assassin. After being injected, he passes out and is taken to the nurse’s office. Having had feelings for the boy for a while, you rush to the office as soon as you here and you quickly note the signs that he’s a vampire. After getting the nurse out of the room, you slice your arm and offer him a drink, shocking Niou, who had arrived with you. Since you are the first blood he’s had, he no longer smells the blood of others like a normal vampire does. Like a homing rocket set on a target - it ignores everything but the target.Marui ends up having a nightmare about Murai and his roomates are unable to wake him so they grab you. Hearing your voice brings him back, but he is so upset that you grab him and bring him to your room to calm down. He explains that he had a nightmare about the man who turned him and that he had killed you. This is after over hearing your conversation with Niou about his condition. He’s hungry, but doesn’t want to leave a mark, so she removes her shirt and tells him to pick a spot. He chooses your upper left chest.During a fight, you get a cut on your stomach. Marui smells your blood and comes running, licking the wound. Later, he is with Sanada and the others when he smells your blood again. His fangs appear and he slaps his hand over his mouth before excusing himself to chase after you. Murai sees him coming up behind you and gets excited, expecting him to attack, but instead he hugs you and kisses your back, telling you to be careful. You then take down Murai and learn how to cure Marui. This takes place during U-17.

࿏  keigo arranged marriage, runs away from home

࿏  Super empath can take on the emotions of others just by talking to them and while comforting someone online, she takes on the depression.


Kpop Stuff

࿏  “Pyromaniac” I.M and Jooheon - Reader is childhood friends with Jooheon. She invites him and I.M to hang out in an abandoned building that’s rumored to be haunted. They decide to split up and reader, being a pyromaniac, plays with her lighter as she explores, flicking it open and closed repeatedly. When an ice cold hand grabs her shoulder, she drops the lighter and whips around, only to find nothing there. The hand grips her again and she whips back around to find some cloth on the floor now set ablaze with a transparent woman standing amongst them. She noped out of there, grabbing her friends on the way. The fire department was called and so was Shownu, who questions what happened. “I don’t understand how this could have happened.” to which I.M responds “My guess would be the pyromaniac but that’s just me.” Everyone stares at her and she only shrugs, claiming the fault of the ghost.


Other Fandoms

࿏ obey me - u don’t understand how rude it is to step on someone’s tail / are you done yet / you don’t have a tail ur opinion is invalid / are you serious bro

࿏ It’s been 7 years, and no one has yet made a fanfiction about the College of Winterhold going at the Triwizard Tournament, having the Dragonborn get in the contest as the College’s Champion and so Hilarity ensues.

࿏ finding a home - looking for father for years, it’s iron man

࿏  OC never understood ryoma’s love of ponta/lu xia’s love of fanta, until she tried it herself.

࿏  jingwoo goes to ny and gets attacked. his father is friends with the mayor and don, so svu gets the case, but oc has history with this one.

࿏  guard for ri’saad, uses her for warmth



࿏ world war me theory of a deadman


Other Stuff

࿏ OC adopts a troubled high school freshman.

࿏  Security guard falls for a high school student.

࿏  OC has beautiful hair and always gets complimented but she cuts it and her friends start calling her ugly.

࿏ Mother is a perfectionist. OC is depressed. Mother complains she never does anything. OC tries. Mother complains she did it wrong and redoes it. OC stops trying and feels useless, wondering why she isn’t good enough. OC cries in the park.

࿏  Betsy vs Daburi Skyrim oc face off dark brotherhood
