#idk why i made this post but i just did


//should I warn for spoilers for CC S13? I guess

I need to rant about this real quick

So I read the descriptions of future eps on the wiki (idk if someone made them up or they’re official, and how tf did they get them) and I have some complaints about characters.

I don’t know about them for sure, because the episodes haven’t even come out yet, but I hope that in at least ONE of these episodes Zusk will make a comeback. They legit hinted that he was going to return in his debut episode and there’s no doubt that he won’t at least return in season 13.

Another thing, I have that feeling that Slider’s going to be thrown in the corner again. Like what the fuck happened to him? He barely gets a major role anymore, and the last major role he had in an episode was, like, in what? SEASON 10? His appearances in seasons 11-12 were so damn small and THEY BETTER AT LEAST GIVE HIM MORE AND NOT THROW HIM IN THE GODDAMN CORNER-

Literally tho. They literally could have ANY good recurring character be a focus in an episode and they literally have Harmony in one of the future episodes. WHY HARMONY? AAA-


Honestly, I’ve hoped that Scanner could appear in season 13, and there’s no hinting if he is or not, I’d have to wait for the future eps to come out. But for the fact that one of them focuses on Buzz being obsessed with a video game, I always thought of it funny if Scanner literally tried to knock some sense into him and tell him to get his shit together lmao
