#idv cowboy

welcome to the MEB tarot team! we have: catboy with rabies, cowboy with rabies, mech who keeps tryinwelcome to the MEB tarot team! we have: catboy with rabies, cowboy with rabies, mech who keeps tryinwelcome to the MEB tarot team! we have: catboy with rabies, cowboy with rabies, mech who keeps tryinwelcome to the MEB tarot team! we have: catboy with rabies, cowboy with rabies, mech who keeps tryinwelcome to the MEB tarot team! we have: catboy with rabies, cowboy with rabies, mech who keeps tryin

welcome to the MEB tarot team! we have: catboy with rabies, cowboy with rabies, mech who keeps trying to cure the cow and catboys of rabies/ the embalmer who wants none of what’s happening and a very blind musician

Post link

Anon…. you literally listed all the people I simp for but then again I simp almost all of the characters

Part 1

Part 3

Reacting to S/O Smacking their Butt (part 2)


  • Bae smacks you
  • Demi’s had people do that to her when she worked at her bar and that was what she would do in response. Now she does it out of reflex
  • She apologizes so much but stops once she realizes what just happened, that’s when she turns red
  • Girl got cake AND curves. Her butt is not BIG big, but still noticeable, you know?
  • Really into it. She thinks it’s cute to do and actually wanted to do this with her future lover years ago, but it’s been a long time since then, so she just forgot. Yeah, that’s the reason, totally wasn’t hella shy to ask you about it 
  • That being said, she is not at all shy about smacking your butt once you let her. She’ll do it in front of the other survivors if she wants, they can’t really do much other than saying it’s weird. She is living out her dream, no one will stop her now
  • Smacks your butt pretty lightly, and instead of doing that ‘one and done’ type thing, she does like 2-3 quick taps
  • Do it to her again and she’ll do this cute little giggle along with a sweet smile


  • Do it, I dare you. You’ll break him
  • This is literally one of the only ways to make him blush. He can’t be caught slippin’ with his professionalism
  • “H-how indecent, s/o!” what a hypocrite in the end smh 
  • He’s like the “You may spank it. Once.” meme. You gotta REALLY convince him to let you do it bruh i keep comparing this man to memes i gotta stop
  • Surprisingly but also not surprisingly has a squishy butt despite sailing being a work out for him. Not surprising because he doesn’t do that anymore and because of this main thing. Alcohol
  • Do it too much and he’ll get mad. Not at you, though, but at how flustered he gets from it
  • Jose is a gentleman Smacking your butt is NOT a part of that. So no, he won’t do it back to you at all. And please don’t do it to him in front of others, you’ll embarrass him so much and he’ll smoothly move your arm to his waist as he does a little side hug thing with you
  • Jose’s drunken state is wild because his hands are all over you, including your butt. He mostly just holds it to bring you closer to him, but when he’s feelin’ spicy aka you remind him that butt smacking exists,,, he still won’t do it, I’m sorry- 
  • JK he loves it sm that he’s addicted. He smacks your butt hard enough to make a sound, that’s for sure. He’d be ashamed if he knew that side of him
  • He doesn’t actually use his metal hand to smack your butt because he can’t feel yo cheeks on it


  • Let’s be honest, he’s been wanting to do this with you if he hasn’t done so already
  • Does a little gasp in happiness when you smack his butt. He views that as a confirmation to ask you if he could do it back
  • “Darlin’… I didn’t know you knew about that stuff… canipleasesmackyourbutttoo-”
  • The reason why he didn’t ask you about it before was because he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. Can’t make his lover feel that way ❤
  • Square butt. All I’m gonna say
  • Nah but for real tho, it’s square, but it’s kinda weird. It has that downward curve where he’s kinda flat at the top, but thicc at the bottom 
  • He’s lucky he got them quaint cowboy chaps because without them, he would look cakeless
  • He is nice about the way he smacks your butt. It’s rarely ever hard, but don’t get me wrong ‘cus it’s also not extremely gentle. More so like Eli, gentle with force
  • The type of person who would go “You see that ass? It’s m i n e.” whenever he smacks it in front of someone
  • Doesn’t react much after a while. He’ll acknowledge you, but he won’t go all ‘ara ara hentai blushes’ like some others