#idv keyboard


Yandere Victor Skin Hcs.


Warnings: Manipulation, unhealthy relationships, obsession

A/N: These skins’ stories were probably my favorite so far. There was so much lore for ‘The Embrace’ and it was so interesting! Highly recommend looking it up on the IDV wiki.

If you don’t like yandere or if it makes you uncomfortable, don’t read.

the embrace

You must be incredibly special in order to arouse any type of interest to him, perhaps you become his own personal blood supply. His life is a mess of expanding the bloodline while simultaneously trying to avoid losing his life to those trying to take it, as well as the secrets written in his tome.

The Embrace hated you from the very start. There’s nothing that disgusts him more than humans… the very beings who turned him into the thing he is today. He’s been through hell and back because of the deplorable things they’ve done to him. He’s seen how twisted people can really be, no doubt you’ll be the same.

The only way he would ever actually like you is if you were truly kind to others, treating them with unconditional hospitality and respect, never looking down on a person for who or what they are. That’s what would seal the deal.

Imagine his horror when the time actually came. A human? Out of everything, a human is what stole his heart? The amount of shame and humiliation coursing through him is immeasurable, however that won’t stop him from getting what he wants.

He is calm and calculated throughout it all, using hischarm to attract you. He’ll suddenly change his ways from never looking your way to actually making conversation, as well as getting to know you as a whole. He’s good at making people like him one way or another, so once you’re in his grasp, he isn’t letting go.

You have to realize that the amount of power this man has is unfathomable. He is the owner of the Tome that is beared with a demon, is the sole person who created vampires, and has incredible intelligence to boot. Only a fool would dare cross him. He punishes you when he sees fit and they are either forgiving or cruel, there’s no in between. He’d be pretty merciful unless you constantly try to escape or attack him. Sometimes he forgets that you’re just a human and can’t take such punishments.

He’s far too prideful to admit he would get jealous under any circumstances, because what lesser being could possibly make him feel such a way? His actions say otherwise, mainly when he feeds off of you. Bruising your neck with the harsh nips he gives it before finally sinking his teeth in. With this, maybe people will finally understand who you belong to.

His jealousy is tame enough to keep those around you safe. Small chats, greetings, hell even flirting is okay with him. Besides, he has you in order to… “feel better”. What’s not okay is if someone was to try to help you escape. He’ll quickly kill them before their plan even comes to fruition and when he asks for an explanation, you’d better come up with a good one or at least seem sorry for what you did if you were planning on going with them.

Eventually he will become tired of either your physical fragility or will want to have you fully in his possession, and turn you into a vampire yourself. But one thing is for sure, you will be his forever. Until the day his plan of human extinction has succeeded, only then will you two be able to spend your long awaited death in peace.


He is a demon who now roams the world of the living after banishing himself from the stringent depths of hell, and though he did so so that he could also listen to any music he could find, he’s engrossed in humans as a whole. They are, of course, what made his favorite thing a reality.

Meeting you was a blessing to him! Finally someone who will listen to his non-stop fanboying about music. You appreciated his adoration for the topic and God did he love it. Every moment with you was so saccharine to him, so precious, it was priceless and he wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Keyboard was always aware of the fact he liked you, the way he yearned for you when gone was an obvious sign. The obsessive thoughts should have been for another, but being blinded by the euphoria brought with it made it harder to stop. How could he when he actually enjoyed it?

There’s only one way to get the point across that he loves you and that’s being straightforward and telling you. He doesn’t want to cut around any bushes with this topic, time is fickle thing and he wouldn’t know what to do if you found anyone else before then.

He is clingy and rightfully so. He’s never had anything to call his own and doesn’t want to lose it when he does. Do you know how anxious you get him when you’re around other people? What if you start to like them more than him? Or you get hurt by them? That would crush him! He has to be around, for both your sake and his.

The last thing he wants to do is hurt you. He loves you to no end and to be honest it would hurt him way more than it would hurt you, figuratively.

Punishments are incredibly rare because of this so when they do happen, you reallygotta put some effort into making him do it. Like try your absolute hardest because his patience is surprising for demon standards. The most he’ll do is threaten your loved ones or even saying he could do much worse things to you, but just know he doesn’t have the heart to go through with it. Does he have the power to? Hell yeah.

Keyboard desires for you as a whole. Your touch, smell, attention, everything. His obsession has gotten so strong that he can’t bare the thought of being without you. This is the one time he can think and act for himself without the devil watching over his shoulder. The one time he is finally under control of his life, and with this newly gained freedom, he shall take yours.


This manipulative deal maker refrains himself from ever getting close to his customers. He won’t make the first move, too busy tending to others’ wishes and desires, but if you were to make it? Oh ho, you’ll amuse him to such a great extent, he might consider your actions as a wish he could grant. Joking, yes, but imagine what a fun doll you’d make for him!

Spector is indifferent about you for the most part. In his eyes you’re just a customer, a bit eccentric, but nothing more. Sure he’ll admit that his shop has gotten more lively with you there every so often, but in the end you’re still like the others, a pathetic soul in need of assistance.

He wants to stay 'nothing more’ with you and all of his other customers. Which is why he keeps his walls up high, avoiding anything other than making a deal. He can’t afford to get more involved than he already has, it would ruin his business!

Ugh, it would be such a nuisance if he still fell for you! He’d try to brush you off, a fruitless attempt to die down or even erradicate this crush once and for all, before realizing it would only backfire on him, making him succum to his liking after all.

He wouldn’t out right tell you, it would be unprofessional of him to tell that to his 'customer’. But he will get the same result, even if it is technically out of your will. His deals will become more daring to fit your desires, manipulating you to making you think its worth it, but this will soon catch up to you in the future. Your sky-high debt will be nothing you can get out of and when he comes to reap his payment, he’ll take you as your remission.

He would like if you had some flare to you, unafraid throw a bit of sass at him. He’s had countless painfully boring customers, all being different yet ending the same way. Your bravery to snap at him despite being at his mercy will never cease to entertain him.

Your being belongs to him, he could do whatever he wants to you if you disobey him. This contract you both hold permit it. Specter doesn’t believe little punishments will teach you not to do it again, he is confident that giving something brutal would do the trick. This belief is honestly carried by his sadism, so he loves it anytime you defy him.

Specter is a territorial person and what are his stay his. He’s not willing to share. He’d much rather hide you away from prying eyes, but of course you let them either way.

You’re really testing his patience, you know. He’s been trying to keep his gentleman persona in attempt to stay professional, but you keep pushing it; showing yourself off for people other than him to see. You are meant for his eyes and his eyes only, those filthy people don’t deserve what he has.

He wouldn’t kill anyone for you himself, rather he’ll find a way for someone else to do the job for him. Making his customers do it would be a perfect option. He doesn’t care who he has to get rid of to keep you.

This deal maker wants you to completely submit yourself to him. Act as if he completely owns you because he sure as hell does. And when you finally do he will savor every single second of it.
