#if i could find time to draw them



(Note: The baseline assumption is that both girls were born after he managed to work through his personal issues).


  • Onami & Ginchiyo: sisters; almost identical twins - Ginchiyo has blue eyes while Onami has green ones; Kenshin considers it a miracle they survived, both being born in a rather weak state. He was terrified ever since he had learnt his wife was carrying more than one child, a multiple pregnancy being an extremely high risk; inseparable at first, still very close to each other later on in life, tend to work together; they oftentimes get an odd gut feeling when the other one is in danger; Onami tends to play out the role of the decoy while Ginchiyo executes the plan; Onami is the physically weaker one, although she is better with words - both in expressing herself and in using them to her advantage. She’s outwardly affectionate, later in life may seem flirtatious and loud. Meanwhile, Ginchiyo tends to be rather reserved with her feelings. She does care a lot, and shows it mostly with action; While Onami knows how to play koto and was trained in basics of self-defense, Ginchiyo has terrible ear for music - and a very good instinct for battle. She can wield weapons, although she prefers hand-to-hand combat (and hits like a truck). 
  • Kenshin did his best not to be overprotective of them. However, he insisted they learn how to defend themselves - and if needed be, how to treat simple injuries, if it was ever necessary. 
  • Knowing his extended family may feel entitled to lives of his children, Kenshin made sure to present one thing clearly: he would not allow it. Ever.
  • Overall, he learnt to allow them to explore the world on their own, eventually even joining them happily. Despite being initially uncertain about Ginchiyo’s desire to learn how to fight, he warmed up to the idea fast, then sparring with her. Her sword is a present from him. 
  • However, it doesn’t mean he isn’t worried about them at times - about Onami, because her health could have been better, and about Ginchiyo, because he is well aware how sensitive she can be.
  • When they were little, he withdrew from wars almost completely, his wife sometimes jokingly complaining he turned into a mother hen. Truth be told, he just wanted to spend as much time as possible with them - not because of fear, but because of love.

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