#if that was ever an issue it’s not anymore



Can I just say this really quick? I read the Percy Jackson series as a 12 year old blonde girl.

(A 12 year old blonde girl with dyslexia and ADHD, no less.)

Blonde Annabeth means nothing to me. I have never felt disrespected by some sort of dumb blonde stereotype… i have been blonde (with dyslexia and ADHD) my entire life and never called a dumb blonde. In fact, I think the struggles I’ve had with My learning disabilities have been softened because I was a little blonde girl and people were patient with me. The stereotype just doesn’t exist anymore if it ever did. I do not need Annabeth to be blonde, I do not want Annabeth to be blonde. No one needs Annabeth to be blonde.

Now Black Annabeth. Now that’s the good shit. That enriches her arc. That makes so much sense. What a good idea. I honestly can’t think of a single black character with learning disabilities. If they do it right? I can’t fucking wait.

So anyone saying that Annabeth was important to little blonde girls hurt by the dumb blonde stereotype? Do not believe them. I was the little girl they are trying to use as a scapegoat and I could have cared less, even back then. When I was 11 I did not need a blonde role model. You know what I needed? A black protagonist I could relate to. I needed to be exposed to the racism little black girls face. I was ignorant as fuck back then, probably still am. Black Annabeth would have helped me. And it will help black girls who are still looking for positive, smart representation.

So anyway anyone who’s against Black Annabeth can stay away from me please thank you goodnight.
