#if you have overlapping areas of textual support



There’s a post going around talking about how much people appreciated Blackbeard’s leg brace as a mobility aid in a character like him and it got me wondering how many people watching the show are familiar with Mad Max beyond the most recent installment. I know that there is a general awareness that Blackbeard’s outfit is an homage to Mad Max but like…is everyone APPRECIATING what a brilliant choice it is on multiple levels???

Mad Max’s Road Warrior look is an iconic bit of 80s action movie nostalgia. It comes from the second Mad Max movie and is, in and of itself, a brilliant piece of visual storytelling (a hallmark of Mad Max movies as a whole) because it sums up Max as he is at the end of the first movie: a man in mourning whose physical and mental trauma is made explicitly visual by the knee brace that alludes to the climactic showdown of the first movie.

However, because the broad cultural understanding of any character will always sand off the details of that character, the popular read on Max is that he’s a cool action hero. So, Blackbeard’s clothes are pretty instantly recognizable and immediately give the viewer, at the very least, an idea that Blackbeard is supposed to be an ass-kicking bad-ass. So far so good - we’re tapping into the persona that Ed wants to present as Blackbeard.

What people tend to forget is that Mad Max is pretty explicitly a series of stories about a man who does NOT want the role he’s been given in the story. Max is not mad-as-in-angry, he’s mad-as-in-crazy (there’s a whole other conversation to be had about how those movies handle mental health but that’s another kettle of fish). Trauma breaks Max and the rage-fueled revenge bender of the first movie leaves him at his lowest point, providing no catharsis. It actively makes him worse in every way and the movies never suggest otherwise. He doesn’t even begin to heal or move past that until arguably the third movie, but more realistically the fourth. Throughout all four movies, Max is defined as a character who is trapped in the role thrust upon him and largely cannot form close connections with the people around him because of that. He is not a person, he is violence personified and he hates it.

The Mad Max movies have always been, at their core, about masculinity and its relationship to violence and heroism. Part of the reason Max is read so incorrectly in pop culture is that the movies do have a lot of blood and violence and Max dishes out his fair share. These are the parts that stick in the mind long after the movie is over. The problem is that every other moment in the movies makes it clear that doing these things is harmful to Max. After the first movie he goes out of his way to avoid violent confrontation. In fact, he even actively avoids helping people who are presented as “good” because he knows that the weight of their problems will fall solely on him, without regard for what it does to him.

Ed’s entire arc in OFMD is about his relationship to his own masculinity and his relationship to violence, the latter being something that is explicitly performative for him. He embodies a persona of toxic hyper-masculinity but claims that he’s never killed anyone since killing his father. He’s willing to utilize violence but it’s clear that he doesn’t enjoy it the way people’s mythologized conception of Blackbeard would make it seem like he should. He sheds some blood, lets other people do the killing and no one notices the slight of hand involved there - the fuckery, if you will - because he’s so good at presenting himself as the kind of man they want him to be.

Not for nothing, Mad Max is also a series of movies that is very interested in gender, sexuality, and queerness. Not necessarily always in a positive way, but certainly it is a central theme through all of the movies, because sexuality is inextricably tied up in white, Western views of masculinity. I’ve long felt - and I think the text does support this, albeit perhaps more through accident than intention - that one way to read the original Mad Max is as a movie about a man struggling to accept that he may not be straight. I personally read Max as bisexual but that’s a whole other post to make.

All this to say: I don’t think Blackbeard’s Mad Max look is just a funny gag and the visible mobility aid is just one part of a broader context that it’s working in. It’s an incredibly astute allusion to another piece of media that has grappled with the central themes of Ed’s character and provides us with a ready-made visual to signal exactly what we need to know about Ed as a person.
