


Honestly it would be really funny if they added an ace vampire to what we do in the shadows, for once the ace flag colors are inherently goth which is the perfect colors for a vampire to dress in.

So imagine: Laszlo and Nadja being themselves and talking about how vampires are very sexual beings, vampire in ace colors looks knowingly at the camera.

Cut to interview: Yes so, I am what nowadays is called, asexual? *Looking for confirmation behind the cameras* Yes! Asexual, in my time we used to call it a spinster, but we called everything a spinster! Lesbian? A spinster. Didn’t want to marry? A spinster. Wanted to marry but couldn’t? A spinster. Was just weird? A spinster. *Someone says something behind the cameras* What was that? Ah! Aromantic, yes! Also a spinster, everything a spinster.

You know at first I told people but these days I find it more fun to keep a bit of a mystery going on, at least for a bit. You see, other vampires kept trying to seduce me, because, look at me! I am gorgeous! And then I just gave them the look *looks unimpressed to the camera*, and so they started talking, about the mysterious vampire that no one can impress. Obviously sometimes it just gets annoying and it’s easier to just tell them.

Cut to Laszlo trying to seduce the ace vampire:

Ace vampire: Sorry, honey, but I’m ace.

Laszlo: What?

Ace vampire: A spinster

Laszlo taking a step back: oh! I understand

Ace vampire looks at the camera and shrugs
