#ikerev fanfiction


Lucky Procrastination [ Fenrir x MC fluff ]

Word count:693

Tags:Gardening; Sirius’s garden; Fenrir is punished for a magic bullet accident; Humor; Kissing

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A/N: I couldn’t help myself writing another ficlet for the Spring Bouquet content creation challengeby@atelier-maroron ! Hope you enjoy! <3

Prompt - Searching for a four-leaf clover together

Alice brings a hand to her mouth as another pestering yawn gets to her. Normally this afternoon Fenrir would be off-duty and they’d go in town together…

Well, recent events had his working schedule undergo changes.

“That damned old man!”

Alice chuckles as she approaches her boyfriend, him currently squatting between the flowerbeds. She takes the straw hat off her head, putting it (slightly skew…) on top of Fenrir’s unruly magenta locks. Only then does he look up, the childish frown erasing from his features because how wouldn’t he smile at his lovely Alice. He fixes (or rather, makes worse) the position of his hat using the back of his hand that is still dirt-free.

“You’re not really working now, are you?…” Instead of weeding the garden, Fenrir appears to be concentrated on the patches of grass between the flowerbeds for some reason.

Alice remembers the incident from last week that started it all.

Fenrir was a little too eager to try out the new gun he acquired through Oliver’s twisted genius. Normally crazily precise with his aim, Fenrir’s bullet unfortunately landed off its goal, ricocheted, then ricocheted again, then went straight into Sirius’s neat little garden.

The magic embedded into the bullet was supposed to make its poor victim dance their feet off. Oliver had mentioned nothing about it being effective on all things living…

Thus it landed with a poof and a cloud of magic dust right into Sirius’s sunflowers. The newly bloomed tall plants were quite the bizarre sight as their stems swayed in tandem with their leaves, just as if they were dancing.

It was a big oopsie so to speak, but still it escalated notably when Sirius appeared out of nowhere and saw it all. He was so worried that his poor sunflowers would dance themselves to wilting… Hearing about the incident, their righteous and just king left it to Sirius to think of a punishment. And thus Fenrir is now tasked with weeding the garden for the next two months.

“Well, since I’m here, I thought I could as well search around. C'mon Alice, sit down next to me.”

“Search around…?”

His invitation is quite appealing and the grass quite soft-looking, and the next second she is right beside him with her knees folded underneath her.

“Yes. For a four-leaf clover.”

Oh! Leave it to Fenrir to make the most mundane of tasks a journey.

“I’d gladly help then! I don’t think anyone would scold me, since this is not a part of your punishment…”

Work is completely forgotten as they immerse themselves in the search, talking about everything and anything and even bickering at some point. Feeling rather playful, Alice decides to surprise Fenrir with a kiss and pulls him in by the strap of the hat under his chin. He falls over her, trapping her on the grass and they giggle and rub their noses together. Then suddenly, Fenrir gasps.

Skeptical at first, even if unwilling to admit, soon Alice is given another reason to remember that she truly found herself in a land of magic. As rare as it is to find a four-leaf clover, all the more in a small garden like this, she looks at where Fenrir is pointing and it’sright there.

“You found it Fen, it’s your luck!”

“Nuh-uh. This one is on you. I’d already had the amazing luck of having the woman of my dreams fall from the sky right where I am. I’m one heck of a lucky guy.”

Alice blushes, unsure of how to fight such a statement. Fenrir grins at her, fulfilled with the reaction he got from her without even trying. He steals another peck on her lips before pushing himself up, preparing to return to his job.

“Imma finish here real quick and then we can go have some fun in town. Wait for me.”

As he watches Alice run off happily, presumably to go change, he admires her form before it disappears behind the corner.

He wipes the sweat off his brow with his forearm and gets back to work.

“Yeah, at least for some things I have luck on my side…”



Fenrir’s best friend was kidnapped nine years ago. Desperately clinging to the vain hope that Ray is still alive, Fenrir climbs to the top of the Black Army in order to have access to Cradle’s deepest secrets… and to hold the position for the rightful King.

Disclaimer:Ikemen Revolution’s plot, characters, and contents belong to Cybird/Ikemen Series. This is a work of fanfiction that utilizes elements from this game in order to tell an alternate story. Thank you!

Chapter Word Count: 2,093 Words


The school was in chaos.

Something terrible had happened. Fenrir felt unease rippling under his skin. Students and teachers ran away from the building before him, their faces pale with terror.

 “Hey!” Fenrir grabbed a student by the shoulders, stopping them in their tracks. “What’s going on?”

“Fenrir! Some people are attacking the school – they have magic, and they’re going after the students—"

“Thanks.” Fenrir started towards the building once more, but the student held fast to his arm. “Hey! Let go!”

“Didn’t you hear me?! You should be running away,Fenrir!” 

“No! Not ‘til I find Ray!” Shaking off his classmate, Fenrir bolted. He did not slow even as his legs burned from the intense sprint. The thinning crowd went unnoticed as his surroundings faded into a blur. He focused solely on one task: finding Ray.

You better be safe, you idiot! Taking a sharp turn around a corner, he followed the sounds of shouting and screaming. Fenrir recognized Ray’s voice, relief coursing through his veins. As he got closer, he heard him cry out.

“Stop hurting them! Get away!” When Fenrir heard those words, he ignored the crushing burn in his lungs while picking up the pace. He neededto be at Ray’s side, in order to protect him and everyone else.

Then the explosion happened.

Keep reading

A very thrilling passion project!! Very suspenseful and in the making for a long time. It has really sparked my curiosity when it was beginning and now that is here…. well let’s see where it takes us
