


ok but can we talk about the way their body languages differ???

ikaris is intimidating, chest out, crowding her space in the same way he’d stand up against someone he was about to fight. not an ounce of love or affection in his eyes. and sersi, she’s looking down, maybe not scared but definitely tense. there’s a clear power dinamic here at play.

drug and makkari are the absolute opposite: they’re more than lovers, they’re best friends. they’re equals. makkari isn’t tense or scared, she’s right there with him, just as into it. his body language screams calm, non-aggressiveness. his eyes are soft, and he’s not trying to get anything from her. he’s just loving her for the sake of loving her, expecting nothing in return. which is why he’s so so grateful for whatever she decides to give him.

this is such a dumb, pseudo-intellecual and disingenuous post. why are you comparing this scene of ikaris pulling sersi close to him to a scene of drukkari touching foreheads when ikaris and sersi have plenty of scenes touching foreheads in the same fashion? two very different acts of affection.

Also of course the first scene is a bit awkward and there’s a bit of discomfort in their actions because it took place thousands of years before the other. Neither Sersi or Ikaris are familiar with showing affection let alone romantic affection in a human way at that point, this is probably one of the 1st attempts at doing b so, its unfamiliar to them unlike with drukkari who’s had thousands of years at that point to grow comfortable with one another.

And what power imbalance are you talking about? They’re equals at that point but later on, the movie shows us that Sersi is literally the most powerful of the Eternals, the film makes that explicitly clear and it also makes it clear that the last thing Ikaris would ever want to do is hurt her.

Just a bad take.


y’all are hating on ikaris/sersi but if they had no chemistry why have i cried both times i’ve watched their relationship montage?? and when he cries and says he’s sorry and she says i know and they touch foreheads??? riddle me that

If they have no chemistry then how come they’re the best couple ??

thank god he’s not dead so we can collect this endgame
