#ikesen maeda keiji


Someone Like You (Ikemen Sengoku: Keiji - NSFW)

Description: There’s more than one way to get hot and sticky in the dojo.

Warnings:NSFW/18+: Explicit/graphic language & mature themes — reader discretion is advised.  SPOILERS for Maeda Keiji’s Main Story in Ikemen Sengoku.  Potential trigger warnings: oral sex on route 69, edging, fingering, sexual intercourse.

Word Count: ~3700 words (~18 mins of shameless smut with a big, brawny Sengoku spear-wielding warrior)




The muscular lines of his back sharply defined, honed by years of hard training and battle.  They rippled beneath flesh, moving in subtle harmony with the motions of his capable hands, set to polishing your spear with a practiced diligence.

A bead of sweat on his skin catches the light of the waning sun, already halfway through its descent in the sky to herald the approach of dusk, the world dyed in a heady kaleidoscope of red, gold and persimmon — the colours of Keiji’s kimono, still draped about the trim taper of his waist.

And you wondered what it would feel like to stand close to him, how he would react to your arms wrapping suddenly around his body.  Wondered what would happen if you gave fingers and hands the freedom to roam, to trace the path of the sweat rolling from collarbone and chest all the way down to the midline of that sculpted abdomen; if goosebumps would trail in the wake of your touch, Keiji’s nipples pulling taut to give him away like the blush he tried to hide anytime you caught him off guard.

You wondered if he ever burned for you like you did for him.

Full story up now on my Pa*t*reon page (please see link in pinned post)! Hope you all enjoy it and happy reading!
