#ikevamp isaac smut


Lingerie [Isaac Newton x Reader] [Ikemen Vampire] [Smut]

Characters ↬ Isaac Newton x Fem! Reader

Rating ↬ Explicit [Smut – mdni]     

Tags ↬ Smut, PIV, Cunningulus, Explicit, Lingerie, Creampie

Warning ↬ Spoilers for parts of Arthur’s ending – read at your own risk! 

Description ↬ After a rare moment where you decide to listen to a suggestion from the mansion’s resident playboy, you have one of the most memorable nights of your life with your boyfriend, Isaac Newton. 

A/N ↬ To the many lovely people who sent in a request, I apologize for the delay! I’ve been on a hiatus as my life has been fairly hectic lately, but I’m still here, and I haven’t forgotten about you all. Finally had a couple free moments and decided to sit down to write this little “wholesome” blurb for our resident scientist and genius, Ikevamp’s Isaac Newton. 

Disclaimer ↬ I do not own the rights to Ikemen Vampire or any of the Ikemen series games. 

Wordcount ↬ 2.1k

Tag List ↬


“My dear, if you’d really like to surprise ole’ Newt, I suggest you spice things up with something no man can resist.” 

And those were the words that repeatedly replayed in your mind throughout the day, seeping into every part of your thoughts. Despite your best efforts to ignore the resident playboy, Arthur Doyle’s words, you found yourself making your way to the town’s only provocative clothing shop. The little boutique nestled in the corner of a side street was something you’d stumbled upon during one of you and Isaac’s weekly outings. The scantily-clad mannequin in the window had both of you immediately flushed a brilliant red and looking away. However, you noticed that despite Isaac’s best efforts at peeling his gaze away, he glanced – not once, not twice, but three times at the lacy, dusty pink brassiere and panties on display.

That’s why when Arthur had given you some extremely unwarranted advice on how to spice up your sex life with Isaac, you’d initially written it off as part of the author’s typical quirks. But then Isaac started getting busier and busier, splitting his time between mentoring the young orphans that frequented the town square and as a professor at the Academy. Then, he was pulled into some newfangled project centered around the discovery of something that you’d attempted to wrap your mind around but failed. All in all, it had been nearly two weeks since the two of you shared in the passion of each other’s embrace. 

You pulled yourself out of your reverie with a sigh and looked at your figure in the mirror. The dusty rose lace perfectly highlighted the curve of your breasts and the slight v-cut lace band seemed to accentuate the slope of your hips perfectly. Not only that, a lace ribbon adorned the largest part of your thigh as a garter, strapped to your undergarments with a thin piece of fabric. Objectively, you knew the garment looked good on you. However, that didn’t slow down your racing heart.

The sudden click of the door could be heard. Unfortunately, the sound was deafening. You began to panic, looking around the room for a garment, any garment, to cover your nearly naked body.

This was a terrible idea. Why did you ever think Isaac, the sweet and gentle scientist, would want to see something so crass?! In a flurry, you grabbed the nearest piece of clothing – which ended up being a bathrobe – and flung it over yourself.

“Oh! There you are! I came back after my afternoon classes, and Arthur said you’d wandered off into town by yourself….” The familiar melodic lilt of Isaac’s voice, combined with that adorable worried expression on your face, had your heart squeezing in your chest. 

“Yep! I… uh…. Went to go grab some groceries for the mansion.” You responded, eyes darting back and forth nervously. 

“Isn’t it Wednesday? I thought you and Sebas usually go to the town for groceries on the weekend… And why are you wearing my bathrobe?” Isaac asked, beautiful cherry-blossom pink eyes furrowed as he looked you up and down in suspicion. “You’re also completely dry… Is something wrong?” 

A couple beats of silence passed between the two of you. The silence hanging seemed to permeate the air, only causing Isaac’s worry to increase with each second that passed where you didn’t say anything. Finally, with a heavy sigh, you slowly untied the belt to his robe and slid the white fabric down your body, starting with your shoulders, until the robe crumpled like a ball at your feet. 

If you thought that the silence after Isaac’s question was awkward, this was a million times worse. Your boyfriend’s beautiful face immediately flushed into a striking vermillion shade, and his eyes shifted around the room. It was like he was intent on looking at everything except you. The dread began to sink in, and you wracked your brain to string together words, anything, that would reassure him. 

“I’m so sorry, Isaac! I just… the other day when we went into town, and I saw you looking at this set in the window at that boutique, y’know, the one on seventh street, and I thought you might like it. And then Arthur told me that you might like to see something like this and I thought it was the perfect opportunity, but I’m so so so sorry that I’ve made you feel uncomfortable. This is the worst idea I’ve –,” you stammered, offering up any sort of explanation you had so he would feel better. However, before you could ramble on even more Isaac’s soft voice cut you off. 

“Arthur saw you in this?” Isaac asked, striking pink eyes flashing curiously with something that looked like jealousy.

“What? No! Arthur just… sort of… suggested that I try something like this to spice things up with you in … you know… the bedroom.” 

A couple more moments of silence passed between you before Isaac spoke again. “Were you unhappy with how things were in… the bedroom?” 

“No! It’s not that! I just… I thought you might not be as attracted to me anymore because you’ve been so busy, and we’ve rarely had time alone. I’m sorry, Isaac. This was such a stupid idea.” And as you reached down to grab the crumpled-up robe, you could almost feel Isaac’s stare roaming all over your body. 

His large hand and slender fingers suddenly shot out and gently grabbed your wrist, pulling you closer to him before you could cover yourself with the robe. “Wait! I didn’t say I didn’t like it… You look … stunning.” The heated gaze in his eyes had your core throbbing in anticipation for what was to come, and suddenly your stupid idea didn’t seem so ridiculous after all. He trailed one finger down your cheek, then cupped your face and brought you towards him until your lips met his in the most gentle, loving kiss. “I can’t believe you went to all that trouble just to get something like this for me. How did I get this lucky?” 

“I’m the lucky one, Isaa— mmf—” A gentle nip at your bottom lip stopped you from finishing your sentence. You eagerly opened up your mouth, allowing him to explore with a passionate entanglement of his tongue. As your tongues slid against each other, you couldn’t help but press yourself up closer against his chest, seeking friction – any friction – against your needy body. Your sensitive peaks hardened against the sheer and lacy fabric. Before you could react, Isaac bent down and captured one of the hardened nubs in his mouth. The sensation of his hot, wet tongue, the lace rubbing against you, and the pleasure had you mewling gently as he lavished your skin.

“Eek! Isaac!” Despite his lithe body, your boyfriend’s strength never ceased to amaze you. His toned chest could be felt even through the fabric of his shirt, and you could see his biceps straining against the fabric. He grabbed you with one quick swoop and carried you, bridal-style, over to his bed, laying you out on the bedspread as delicately as possible. 

The desire and lust evident in Isaac’s piercing gaze upon your body had your skin heating up from your head to your toe. You knew your lover wasn’t one for dirty talk, or even expressing himself fully, but his desire was clear. You began to move your legs, intent on clasping them together and covering your chest. 

“Don’t. Please, let me see you,” Isaac murmured, capturing your hand in his and peppering you with kisses until he reached the apex of your thighs. Then, using his finger, he tantalizingly moved the fabric of your panties aside and licked a stripe from the bottom of your core until the top. 

“Nngh—Isaac!” A series of wanton moans slipped from your lips as he began to quicken his movements against the sensitive spot at the top of your heat, suckling it gently into his mouth and licking it over and over. Your body heated up until it was nearly unbearable. Suddenly, you were thrown into your release, white-hot pleasure tingling throughout your limbs. Your mind went blank, and your back arched from the bed, trying to move away from Isaac as your body began writhing with overstimulation. 

“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, watching you with a hooded gaze. Then, as your eyes began to re-focus on him, he pushed himself back up and peppered soft kisses against your lips, coaxing your body back to normal. 

“Isaac, I need you….” You whispered, tugging at his still clothed body. He obediently stripped down until his body was bare before you, and his impressive manhood was standing at attention, head slick with a bead of arousal. The sensation of his length teasing your entrance was enough to make you squirm, and you looked up at him, ready to beg him to do anything just so you could feel him in you, wholly complete. 

Inch by inch, he began to ease his length into you, letting out a deep groan as your walls clenched around him, forming to him. “You feel so good….” Matching blushes adorned both of your cheeks as you gazed deeply into each other’s eyes. Your usually handsome boyfriend looked absolutely stunning, with the moonlight highlighting the sharp planes of his cheek and his striking eyes. It was as though time had stopped, and the only people in the world were you two, suspended at this moment together.

“Please,” you murmured, one word urging him to begin moving. Not one to leave you wanting, Isaac began to thrust his hips back and forth, sheathing himself in your repeatedly. The sinful moans spilling from your lips were like music to his ears, and he once again thought to himself that he must be the luckiest man in the world to be able to revel in your presence like this. 

You wrapped your hands around his head, fingers tangled into his soft, cherry locks, and pulled his lips down to yours. As the kiss turned more frantic, so did Isaac’s thrusts, and you recognized the signs of your lover nearing his completion. With the heat rapidly spreading throughout your body, and that familiar tingling sensation in your lower belly, you knew you were getting close too. “Isaac, ‘m close!” You cried out, grasping at your lover’s skin, clawing, kneading, and trying to bring him closer to you.

“—Ungh, me too,” he groaned. With one last thrust, you were again thrown into the peak of your pleasure, eyes rolling into the back of your head as your body tingled all over. The sensation of his length twitching inside of you, painting your walls with thick, hot spurts of his release, just prolonged the pleasure for you. One of your legs wrapped around his slender waist, willing him to fill you up with every last drop. 

After a couple minutes of heavy panting, Isaac finally rolled off of you, pulling you into his arms with your back against his chest. 

 “You don’t need to do anything to make me attracted to you… You’re the most stunning, sensual, beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my entire life….” Isaac whispered, breath ghosting against the shell of your ear and sending shivers down your spine. 

You flushed at his gentle words and turned to look up at him. “Does that mean you didn’t like the lingerie?” 

“I… I didn’t say that… Please keep it… for… special occasions.” 

“Of course, Isaac. I love you.” 

“I love you too.” 

