#ikevamp spoilers


I legally cannot make fun of Sebastian anymore if I had fun reading his stalking diary and found it interesting



i’m still salty about the kid’s name lmao imagine my confusion and fear when the kid said his name was “saar” and i was like

wai you have my art as your discord pfp????

A Tipsy Time with Him (Gacha) // Tastes Like Wine (Count)“It’s quiet tonight… Ah, yes— How about I t

A Tipsy Time with Him (Gacha) // Tastes Like Wine (Count)

“It’s quiet tonight… Ah, yes— How about I tell you a secret? Lend me your ear.
…Could you stay with me a little while longer tonight?”

“Haha— What’s that adorable face for? …Haah, my beloved’s charm is truly endless.”

“It appears I’ve drank a bit too much.
(kisses) Right…? Tastes like wine, does it not?
(kisses again) How troublesome… I can’t stop kissing you…”

well yay saved muney by rolling it this early but dang. already used up some wine sets this event to be on track to get the gacha medals…. im very “but wat if i need those 10 yrs from now” abt items in these games

i like how they give him the mature img when he’s coupled w/ most of the other characters. but then if leo’s in it too, he has to be the delicate one as if 2 mature, triassic era vampires is too much for a roster of 10+ audacious young men. we have crusty musty vampire dad and vampire grandad uncle, surely we even have room for some dude to play ancient vampire mom

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2021 Election Benefit Gacha Cards // 3rd Place in the Captivating Category (Leonardo) “I’m unusually

2021 Election Benefit Gacha Cards // 3rd Place in the Captivating Category (Leonardo)

“I’m unusually tipsy today, huh… I want to dote on you more than usual. So, make a mess out of me.”

“No matter how much time passes, I just can’t keep my eyes off you; You’re a woman that never ever fails to captivate me, you know.”

“You really are the tenacious, preserving type… Today, I’ll listen to all of your selfish (thoughts) and demands, and spoil you. Now come on— Sit on my lap.”

⋆ “Captivating” is a simple way to put it; it’s to describe someone who is very good at attracting people (+ since they’re hosts, specifically women); Magnetic, kinda. Also, in the last line, the term he uses is more like someone who stands strong when the going gets tough. 

The count and leonardo’s power and willingness to show the tiddie is truly… inspirational

anyway um ikevam, can u pls do an in-universe scenario event this yr. preferably within next month. u have only released AUs this yr. i do not like reading intimate and/or romantic scenes where the Count is referred to as the Count and the AU acts like he has no name

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Season 2.5 Art Card // “I Shall Never Let Go of This Hand, for Eternity” (Count)“It astounds even mySeason 2.5 Art Card // “I Shall Never Let Go of This Hand, for Eternity” (Count)“It astounds even my

Season 2.5 Art Card // “I Shall Never Let Go of This Hand, for Eternity” (Count)

“It astounds even myself, but there are times where I don’t want to show you to anyone else. Wanting to have you all to myself… is just like that of a naïve youth who only recently learned of love.”

“If anything stands in our path, I will absolutely protect you. It’ll be all right; set your mind at ease and hide behind me.”

“Taking your lips, melding our bare skins— I want to confirm our love, over and over again. (kisses)… I love you I shall never let go of this hand, for eternity.”

The first line is more like, “Sometimes the thought of 'I don’t want to show you to anyone else’ comes to my head”. the third line is literally “(my) skin pressed over yours”, but this is a very common euphemism for uknow

anyway ggez. whew rly glad tho cuz once the odds change to skew towards the vlad trio, the chance of getting this would essentially be zero even w/ the pity roll. odds are already nonsense at 0.4% and those are proportionally boosted… lol i can see why some of the playerbase pretends the gacha doesnt exist

they’re hyping up season 2.5’s eventual arrival. the count (as always) got to be in the splash art cuz he’s significant to the greater story. moral of the story is stan the one who would create the largest plot holes if he was deleted. this is how he always gets to be arbitrarily added

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Fifth Birthday Story // For the First Time in This Eternity (Count)long time no see. hope you’ve bee

Fifth Birthday Story // For the First Time in This Eternity (Count)

long time no see. hope you’ve been doing well
where have i been? uhhh not that much diff from usual. ive been playing other (non-otome) games again so u know what happens eheh

so this is the Count’s (or Comte as the localization uses) bday story for JP Ikevam 2021. this year is different from prior years in that they sell one giant set that contains everything and a smaller set that has half of the stuff. in other words, there is zero point in buying both sets. so commit to one set or get ripped off of like 15 bux? idk
there is only one story this year, in His POV format— there is no “Her POV” version of the story.

i wanted to get this out before his bday. uhm yea. im gonna arbitrarily blame cybird for this cuz im half-sure they released this story set rather late this year. it’s the same length for the sale period, but this is the first year the sale period goes into nov. how dare they do this to this nonexistent man of their own creation

as always - since the source (the story set) is a bit more exclusive, i’m hosting it elsewhere. thx for understanding!!

please don’t take any part of it, thenk u!! ( ´◡` )

the post is here – the pword is BrokeDateExpensiveMan

⋆ ⋆ ⋆Please purchase a set if/when you can to show cybird that you are interested in le Comte!!
the EX set comes with a brief letter that is fully voiced, which is cool

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Adults’ Amusements // “To Entertain You…” (Count)“‘Sometimes, your tone of voice changes?’…Ah, yes, Adults’ Amusements // “To Entertain You…” (Count)“‘Sometimes, your tone of voice changes?’…Ah, yes,

Adults’ Amusements // “To Entertain You…” (Count)

“‘Sometimes, your tone of voice changes?’…Ah, yes, I naturally let my guard down when I’m with Leonardo, thus…
You know, I’m much more of a wicked man than you think—
for having worn the mask of a noble Count… for one.”

“As a man, I suppose I always desire to be chic. However—
When you praise me, I uncharacteristically become so ecstatic.”

“To entertain you, is my pleasure. In the future, let’s go on many more dates,
and further amass the time we spend together… Okay?”

please credit if you take any of it, thenk u(・ω・*)

the gacha theme is “activities seen as mature” or “stuff that’s stereotyped with adults”. reading the newspaper, having fancy watches, a nice car, etc.

well. failed at getting his 4th anni card (managed to get all 3 fully-animated cards and then some tho so. thx rng). sad but w/e 
but i got this card rly early, so im grateful bc this ended up being a more miscellaneous card than aything. shamefully i was most curious abt the butt bc i thought the in-studio artist bothered to draw a shadow for the crease LOL… anyway no, it’s just the seam of his pants. i mean my hc (if i can i call it that) already had him as flat but. ok ill stop

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Fourth Anniversary Gacha Card // “The Anniversary of our Encounter” (Leonardo)“You became reckless aFourth Anniversary Gacha Card // “The Anniversary of our Encounter” (Leonardo)“You became reckless a

Fourth Anniversary Gacha Card // “The Anniversary of our Encounter” (Leonardo)

“You became reckless and decided that your destiny is to live with me. At that moment, I had also made my own resolution.
‘From now on, I shall absolutely never let go of this love’… I thought.”

“Today is the anniversary of the day we met. Thank you for meeting me.
You being by my side right now like this, gives me a happiness like no other.”

“You’ve bestowed to me, an obsession and a desire to keep you to myself.
Take responsibility, and accept it… these feelings I bear, and the pleasure I shall give you from here on— All of it.”

so i rolled this twice over the hoard of gacha medals ive kept over a few months. im salty when i should be glad i got one of a chara i actually like. lol. well worst case scenario i’ll have my 1/14 shot at the Count’s card in 2 weeks or so. but it aint looking good man

Leo’s, Arthur’s, and Vlad’s cards are not only technicallyanimated(all 4th anni cards have petals flying about), but actually have full body animation. this is both neat and annoying. neat bc this honor seems to be exclusive to anni cards and is quite nice, but annoying bc the card doesn’t actually look like the card icon and is honestly a sloppier version of the artwork advertised. just give me the high-quality scan of the original image….. pls


(snippet of a frame i decided to axe cuz it seemed redundant, but is cute so i wanted to share lol)

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acrispyapple: how lucky they had a perfectly angled tumble~ just lips bumping haha. would’ve been waacrispyapple: how lucky they had a perfectly angled tumble~ just lips bumping haha. would’ve been waacrispyapple: how lucky they had a perfectly angled tumble~ just lips bumping haha. would’ve been waacrispyapple: how lucky they had a perfectly angled tumble~ just lips bumping haha. would’ve been waacrispyapple: how lucky they had a perfectly angled tumble~ just lips bumping haha. would’ve been waacrispyapple: how lucky they had a perfectly angled tumble~ just lips bumping haha. would’ve been waacrispyapple: how lucky they had a perfectly angled tumble~ just lips bumping haha. would’ve been waacrispyapple: how lucky they had a perfectly angled tumble~ just lips bumping haha. would’ve been waacrispyapple: how lucky they had a perfectly angled tumble~ just lips bumping haha. would’ve been waacrispyapple: how lucky they had a perfectly angled tumble~ just lips bumping haha. would’ve been wa


how lucky they had a perfectly angled tumble~ just lips bumping haha. would’ve been way worse if they bumped noses or foreheads or something else that’s painful ( ˙▿˙ )

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