#ill have to check out the rest




(Because@moominias requested it)

This are some of the youtubers I watch. They’re mostly from Mexico if I’m not wrong, so this is probably the closest to the ‘neutral’ spanish you are learning.

The links go to random videos btw. I recommend you go to their channels and find whatever video you find interesting.

Warning: I don’t have Grammarly in my phone and I don’t want to reread this :'v

Also these are all nerdy because it’s what I watch lol sorry. I can do some proper research and find more genres of YouTube for y'all

Pelis (movies)

Mr. X

Talks mostly about comics, but also the cinematic adaptations of them.


News about everything pop culture.


Talks movies mostly, but sometimes books as well.

Libros (books)


I think she’s the most popular booktuber in latin America. She does tags and wrap ups and all that.


Booktuber kinda. More chill and 'improvised’ that Clau.

Coos Burton

Talks about horror books.

De todito (a little of everything)


I think she does like video essays on like youtubers or something? I remember watching a video of her about On*sion or something


He talks about history. I just founded his channel las week but he’s so funny.

https://youtu.be/1ykK6TtNS3s Antonio Garcia villaran

Talks about art. Super smart guy.

I’m planning on doing a better version of this, but these should keep you entertained for a while :-)

Please tell me some YouTube categories/genres/whatever I should include. I’m going to find channels I don’t know, watch some of their videos and then see if a recomend them.

Putomikel is great, he has this Contrapoints vibe going on. I enjoy his videos even if they’re about a show I’ve never watched. Antonio García Villarán is also amazing. I remember watching his video about the lady who did the restoration of Ecce Homo (you´ve all seen the meme) and it was quite heart-warming. 
