#ill miss every single one of you


*busts through the doors in a puff of glitter and smoke*

I survived my finals!!

Hey y’all! I guess it’s time for an update!

So as everyone is very well aware, within the next couple days or so, Tumblr is going to be purging NSFW stuff from the site and flagging posts as well as blogs to be deleted during the purge. Problem is, from what I hear at least, no one is being notified if their blog/posts are going to get deleted until it actually happens. So, although I try to keep this blog as family friendly as possible (we all know I swear like a sailor at times but… well… I’m getting better), I very well may be flagged and deleted any never be notified of it until I can’t log in on the 18th.

And you know what? That sucks. Royally. And it’s unfair. And uncool. And I don’t like it. At all. But seeing as staff appears to not be doing anything about it, due to their own personal agenda, I’ve just decided to migrate somewhere else. 

I mean, it really sucks since 31 of you guys decided to stick around to read all of my lovely little cartoon stuff but that’s just the way the cookie crumbs.

If I happen not to get flagged, well, I consider myself lucky! But I doubt that I’ll be active on here any longer. I may update with my current status but… well… I doubt any serious work will happen on this platform.

Many people have thought about moving to Pillowfort or other such platform but… well… no one can replace Tumblr. That’s just how it is.

However, this blog has never really fit the normal Tumblr format. My posts were too long. I had way too much detail in my reviews. I just… I spent too much time for a “micro-blogging” site.

So, I’ve decided that I’m going to take my posts and my blog over to Wordpress. I can change the format to whatever I want it. I can use HTML to change it in so much more ways without getting toolost than I ever could on Tumblr and honestly? I think it’ll be a lot more professional and reach a wider audience.

My site is still in the building stages. I’m editing it in waves so I’ll make a whole bunch of progress over the course of a day and then it’ll sit for a while as I tweak some behind the scenes stuff. My HTML sucks at the moment, but… well… I’m determined to make this work. I’m determined to make this blog the best blog I can. And I hope you guys will be patient with me as I get this baby back up and running.

Here the link if you wanna check what I’ve got out: https://thecartoonarchivist.home.blog/

I’ll also be putting it in the blog description for future individuals who stumble across my blog (if it survives the purge).

As for how things will go moving forward, I got lots of plans for the future. I have a whole list of shows that I’ve been wanting to watch and with a whole month of free time, I’ll finally be able to crank all these puppies out. I’ll try to get done as much as I can and get them scheduled so I can get some content out to you guys as soon as possible. This way, I have a bit of a backlog built up so when I go back to school things won’t come grinding to a halt because of it. But I’m also backing previous posts up so it might be a couple days yet.

Either way, whether you leave or stay, whether you migrate to my wordpress or you stay on Tumblr, whether you support my decision or you don’t, I hope that for what shortlived glory this blog had, it was worth your while. I hope you enjoyed your stay and that you might have learned a thing or two while you were here.

You guys were so lovely and wonderful and I loved you all!

I wish you all the best in your blogging endeavors.

And remember~! You’re never too old for cartoons! <3

With love,

The Cartoon Archivist.
