#ill one day show you what we all look like i swear


Into the Gang-verse

Alright we’re bored as fuck and are all narcissistic little shits so can y'all just like…… pretend we’re all fictional OCs or w/e and ask us stuff lol

Under the cut is a list of Gang subdivisions.



The original, I guess. There’s so many we can break down into more categories: the gang itself (Me*, Nova*, Lei, Delaware, Yuki, Diane); the biker trio (Blitz*, Indi, Navie); the old people (Amos*, Yuen*, Dayana); the sirens (Dali, Sam, Aaron); the gods (David, Jayde, Jonathan, Rosalind). The gang + Blitz are the ones who like to chatter on about ourselves, but you can try and ask the others too. You know what they say– if you knock on enough doors asking to see the devil, eventually he’ll answer.

*(Gasp) We’re not humans! Wonder what the hell we are then.


Exactly what it sounds like. A Homestuck offshoot. We’ve got: the gang (Crys Ampora [he used to run this blog before me, actually], Nova Captor, Crystal Megido, Xing Serket, Lei Zahhak, Delaware Nitram, Yuki Vantas, Diane Maryam); Team Fucker Upper (Blitz Pyrope, Kinos*, Kriphis*); the old ones (Amos Ampora, Yuen Captor, Kaize Pyrope). The first four of the gang are the ones more eager to answer.

Thanks to timeline shenanigans, the gang can be fucking split into more divisions: the OG, Summer Switcheroo (Crys Captor, Nova Ampora), OG No SGRUB, Summer Switcheroo No SGRUB (in addition to the aforementioned duo, also has Xing Megido and Crystal Serket).

Note that for the OG No SGRUB, the ones more likely to answer you are Nova Captor, Crys Ampora, Crystal Megido, and Xing Serket.

*They’re neither trolls nor humans. Wonder what they are? Perhaps you can ask them >;3c

P.S. Kinos is the more eager of the two.

Oh No, Apocalypse

This one’s a weird one because due to Brain Shenanigans we’ve got two offshoots with similar universe premise or w/e: a human version, and a troll version. Both have only two people each in it so far, who are a Crys and a Nova.

NoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

If it’s not obvious from the name, this is a JoJo offshoot. We’ve got Team Hamon (Nova, Lei, Blitz, Yuen*, Kaize*) and Team Pillar (Amos, Delaware, Crys, Diane). Nova, Lei, Del, Crys, and to some extent Blitz and Diane would like to tell you a thing or two.

*They aren’t human. Yuen is willing to give you a little explanation.


A Genshin offshoot. We have the gang (Crys, Nova*, Lei, Delaware, Diane, Yuki), Blitz, and Yuen. Crys and Nova are most likely to answer you <3

*Oh my, a non-human. Wonder what that’s about.

Team DedSec

As the name implies, this is a Watch_Dogs offshoot. Specifically Watch_Dogs Legion. We’ve got Nova (you might’ve seen him mentioned over at Nova’s blog as Nero), Crys, and Lei; they’re all fine with being asked questions.

We’ve also got some….. lore, I guess? We did use to think we were fictional characters and acted accordingly. Feel free to ask us about the lore, but typically the ones who are more knowledgeable about world-related lore are Cryses, Xings, and Yuens.
