#ill stop i promise



gojohime CEO/Secretary AU 『pt. 6』


Love you

And I can’t stop thinking of you’

[ “Not Into You” by Brooksie ]

the appearance of a new character! meet Fushiguro-san! (the only one who works, lol)

Every relationship was a broken bone. A week was a hairline fracture, a frustrating bruise that went away with time. But this latest felt like it had turned the bone to powder, so that every movement felt like she was filled with gravel, every tiny stone lacerating her from the inside. Each step was excruciating. 

He’d made it seem like they were for her own good, that she needed to be reset, broken so that she could be made whole properly, not the amalgamation of herself that she’d been arrogant enough to call a person. He’d made to snap her in half, just to see what it was that would be the thing to break her. 

That first night she’d cried, and he hadn’t been there to console her. He was in the other room, seemingly unable to bear witness to his own handiwork. It wasn’t so much the pain as the loneliness that made her cheeks slick and puffy, not so much what had happened as what was not, right now. She’d been plunged into depths, and he wasn’t even making a cursory effort to fish her out of those waters. He was just letting her drown. 

So she learnt to hold her breath. She became Herbert Nitsch, or Natalia Molchanova. After a while the burning in her lungs became almost a comfort, the way the worst things do. She was crushed by degrees, each new experience another fathom. 

Healing happens. It had happened before and it would happen again. But bones calcify, fractures knit back together in ways that weren’t quite as they were before, some approximation of a replacement that never slots into place in exactly the right way. 

The tipping point wasn’t so bad, when she looked back on it. Tipping points rarely are. They’re just another thing, one last innocuous thing that is enough to rouse, create a hairline fracture in the illusion that everything is ok. She’d been broken, now she’d do a little breaking. 

She’d torn the whole thing down, set fire to the ruin. And the thought of his face when he’d realised was the only thing that made it all hurt a little less. 
