#illness mention


The feared dragon Padparadscha


PLOT: Padparadscha is a kid dragon regressor, Rutile (their caregiver) decides to take them to the beach to look for shiny stuff!

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Mentions of a physical illness/disability, slight injury/crying and medical references

A/N: Both these characters are nonbinary please use they/them for both in the tags!



Rutile didn’t move from the papers they were looking at.

It was a sunny day, warm, the perfect temperature but still the duo were in Rutile’s lab. Padparadscha was awake- they had been awake for a few hours now, probably the longest they had in a long time- but they were starting to get bored.

Seeing that they had failed to scare their caregiver, Padparadscha frowned and poked them in the arm. When they still didn’t look up from Padparadscha’s medical report, they frowned. “Rawr!”

Upon finally recognizing their partners voice, Rutile looked up.

Padparadsha grinned at the motion, glad to see their beloved caregiver paying attention to them. “Rarw! Rwar! Rwar!” They cried happily as Rutile sighed.

It probably wasn’t healthy for Padparadscha to have so much energy, Rutile sighed and was about to lecture them before noticing the way their little bounced up and down like they did while regressed.

“How’s my dragon today?” Rutile felt bad for focusing so much on the report and not their little that they instantly slipped into caregiver mode, holding their little dragons hand.

“Wanna play!” Padparadscha beamed, still bouncing happily.

“You know that isn’t good for you…” Rutile was about to lecture their little, but stopped when they saw the pout of their face.

“Wanna play!” Padparadscha repeated, tugging at Rutile’s lab coat.

“Well then, why don’t we?” With out a seconds hesitation, Rutile picked up their little, who began giggling at the motion.

“Higher, higher!” They laughed as Rutile spun around, causing Padparadscha to laugh hysterically.

After spinning until they were sure their little dragon was satisfied, Rutile placed them on the hard floor, still laughing.

“I know what you’d like!” Rutile lightly bopped their dragons nose. “How about we go looking doe shiny things?”

At the mention of ‘shiny things’ Padparadscha bounced with a squeal. “Can we?!” They demanded as Rutile pulled off their lab coat.

It was times like this that they needed reminding about how to relax, after all their studies could wait while Rutile was asleep, now they had a little dragon excitedly chanting behind them.

“Shiny things! Shiny things! Ooh, are we going to the beach?!” The lights shining in Padparadscha’s eyes were so bright that it caused Rutile to smile.

“Yes, we can go to the bea-”

“YAY!” Padparadscha’s screams could probably be heard across the island. “WE’RE GOING TO THE BEACH!”

Still smiling Rutile held out their hand, which was quickly snatched by their little dragon.

“Ready to go?”

Padparadscha’s screams were deafening.


“Look shiny rocks, shiny rocks!” Padparadscha was still screaming by the time they reached the shore. They had been running around with all the pent up energy from sleeping for so long, a sight that almost brought tears to Rutile’s eyes.

“Look at that!” They beamed at the sight of their little dragon, currently struggling to carry all the gems that they had collected across the shore.

“Can I have one?” Rutile asked.

“No!” Padparadscha proclaimed proudly as they dumped the precious rocks on the floor before sitting on them. “My treasure!” They beamed.

Normally Rutile would be furious as Padparadscha’s careless treatment but seeing their little smile was worth all the damaged gems on the beach.

“Oh, they’re yours now?” Rutile smirked, then laughed then Padparadscha picked up the biggest gem in the pile before sticking it in their mouth and lightly chewing it.

Had it been any other of the gems Rutile would have lost their temper, but because it was Padparadscha- their partner and little- they allowed their dragon to enjoy themselves.

“’Ine.”  Padparadscha’s muffled voice was quiter than before, but still filled with excitement.

It was then that Rutile noticed a familiar looking red crystal shining on the beach, apparently Padparadscha had noticed it too, being the only one not in their admittedly excessive collection.

“SHINYYY!” Padparadscha yelled, jumping off their pile of rocks and making a beeline for the crystal.

Rutile followed them at a concerned pace. “Padparadscha!” They called. “Watch out or you’ll-”

“WAAAA!” Padparadscha‘s cries as they fell were loud, Rutile watching in slow motion as their dragon tripped over their own feet, landing on the sand.

“Padparadscha!” Rutile started running and only stopped at the side of their fallen little.

“R-Rutile…” Padparadscha lifted up their head, obviously trying to hold back tears.

“Hey kiddo.” Rutile smiled, “How are you feeli-”

Rutile didn’t even finish before Padparadscha burst into tears.

“It’s okay my little dragon.” Rutile reassured them, pulling them into their arms. “You’ll be okay, your guardian is here.”

That didn’t silence Padparadscha’s cried, but it did make them softer.

“You wanna see something cool?” Rutile reached for their uniform pocket, Padparadscha watching with wide eyes. “This is a ruby,” They said, holding the crystal up to the sun. “Do you know about rubies?”

Padparadscha shook their head, then reached out for the shiny red rock. “Shiny…”

Rutile laughed and placed a kiss on their little dragons head.

Some things never change.

feeling Bad can barely type. small announcement:

  • if its not already obvious i will probably never return to the flow of frequent emojis like the beginning of this blog. srry
  • customemoji was founded out of special interest and those w spins know that shit waxes and wanes sometimes. its been 2 years(?) now
  • still taking requests but i cannot guarantee itll be touched anytime soon or even ever. i should probably close the askbox becaues its just requests ill probably never touch and rndom people wanting to start an argument. just feel too Sucks to close asks rn
  • rite now im Going Thru It (random bursts of anxiety, paranoia, and stress-related nausea, unrelated 2 this blog) so i wont b able to update for a while
  • encouraging everyone to read the pinned message of this blog which has rough instructions of how i do things . if ur desperate for an emoji itll probably be 900x faster to make it yourself
  • i will never ever ever delete this blog even if i never update it again. the emojis are useful to people