#ilostmyshoes greatness



This is a commission for @hollygopossumlovesj2. I hope you enjoy!

Summary: Dean decides to let the reader touch unexplored areas.

Warnings: all the smut, /anal fingering, pegging

Word Count: 3400

A/N: This was fun to write! I hope y’all enjoy! XOXO


You feel the shudders of an oncoming orgasm, just seconds away, curling your toes and forming new beads of sweat on your forehead. Dean thrusts deep, maintaining his pace because he knows it’s just right, knows that you’re right on the edge. He’ll keep you there as long as he can.

You grip harder, dig your fingers into the muscles of his back as they ripple and roll.

“Right there,” you groan, tilting your hips.

Keep reading

Holy freaking balls, this is so awesome! More awesome than I could’ve ever written myself! Thank you so much for writing this awesome piece of fiction. *Happy Sigh* sub!dean is my jam! : )
