#ily dani




Pulling Weeds, Pushing Daisies

Word Count: 1546

Writing Masterlist


TW: violent thoughts, implied past sexual assault, depressive thoughts, canon-typical death, scars, blood, murder, drowning, poison


A/N: For @cascadingmoon. Thanks for the request! I love writing these kinds of Elain fics. Thank you for being so patient with me despite the long wait! I’m so honored that you wanted me to be part of this project & that my fic gets to be paired with such stunning art!

Thank you to @thewayshedreamed for beta reading. I loved discussing & brainstorming it with you! @duskandstarlight also gets a shoutout for helping me with ideas!

Art is by @ dmonyart on instagram, commissioned by @cascadingmoon

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Don’t mind me, just doing another re-read of this beautiful, engaging fic ❤️

I know I’ve already gushed to you about how much I loved this fic (both in concept and execution), but it’s worth mentioning again that this is inspired!

Beautiful work, Bby Sayo! I can’t wait to read more of your Elain in the future

Dani your reviews mean so much to me bc you’re a phenomenal writer and I’m so honored that u like my writing you seriously make my day. Thank u so much for all your help with this fic!!


Ship that’s living in my head

@etheralyonn x koko

omg dani!!! this is making me blush!!! <333
