

For@im-better-than-chocolate. This was so much fun to write for you, I love you enjoy it darling ♥♥


I See Red (A Gun To Your Head)

It should have been a simple mission: Stay at the hotel where the conference was being held, find Lilith, find out where the poison was, and take her out. But as Alec lays in a medical ward surrounded by co-workers, nurses, and various medical staff asking questions, he knows they failed. He blinks his eyes open slowly and groans at the ache in his head; he looks down and notices one of arms is in a cast.

“Alec” cries his sister, she leans over kissing his forehead and hugging him the best you can hug someone laying in a hospital bed. “How are you feeling?”

“Where’s Magnus, is he alright?”

Instead of an ‘over there’ or ‘in surgery’ like he expected, other agents look at one another and then slowly his sister stands straight again. He watches as she swallows and tenses her jaw, asking the others if they can give them a moment. The second they’re alone, Isabelle pulls a chair to the side of Alec’s bed and takes his uninjured hand in hers, squeezing it gently.

Continue on AO3
