#im crazy busy today



“The Viper’s Kiss”

Chen made another Myra’s sketch for me this month - because I desperately need more of my witcher-lass right now, especially since there will be no more LARPs for her T_T…

And this sketch sums up the aftermath pretty well. Myra is a master now and her responsibility is towards all of the remaining adepts not only her hatchlings, so she will have to be a bit harsher and rougher around the edges - because such things cannot happen again.

She succeeded in the fight, true. She survived, managed to save her beloved master and most of her hatchlings listened and escaped the fray. But the success came with a price - she stained her hands with the blood of her fellow witchers. And the reminder of that - like “The Viper’s Kiss” across her cheek - will stay with her for the rest of her days.

Thank you @chenria for drawing Myra for me again! :*
