#im dreaming of a soft victor


Just some Victor scene stuck in my brain today, Enjoy!

If I knew that it was going to be freezing by the time, I was finally getting home I would have gotten a cab and wore a better coat. Pulling the collar and burrowing deeper into my wool jacket making sure the baby bump was covered, I braced for the cold air to hit once I walked out of the office. The frosty air turned my breath into a hazy mist instantly, turning towards home, gasping as I see Victor Li, my knight in shining armor, getting out of the sleek maroon sedan.  

“Victor, what are you doing here?”
“If you would have looked at your phone you would have realized I had messaged you. Dummy, we live together. Like I would let my wife walk home this late at night in the cold! Come love, I’ve got your favorite take-out you’ve been craving.“  
“How did you know I wanted that?!” incredulous as I walked to the car with Victor by the passenger door.

Opening the passenger side door for me, I settle into the warmth. From his tone I know he’s going to start his nagging about being a dummy and working too much especially while pregnant.  The car sped through the arctic inky night towards home, the warmth welcoming, the scent of food in the back seat is mouthwatering. I hadn’t realized I was starving with the hours of editing I got through after sending everyone else home for the night.
“You’re the one posting a picture of it on your moments,” my face lit up with a break in the strict diet (yes! Baby bump score!) I’ve been on since finding out baby Li was on their way just over 4 months ago. I was hopeful there was pudding for dessert. “I’ll concede with your diet if you eat a better breakfast in the morning. We can’t have you or the baby missing any nutrition.”  pouting I should have known he was going to have a condition. We had made it home.  
“Only way I’ll agree is if I can get pudding too! The baby realllllllly wants it Vic!” I’m not against begging to get pudding after almost a month.  You weren’t going to drop the subject even after you’ve gotten out of the car.

“Out of the question. Dummy, you need to eat and rest. I’ll make them for you tomorrow or this weekend. Come on, let’s get you in the house, changed into something comfortable, and fed,” his hand on the small of my back, guiding us into the house.  Within an hour of coming home, we ate dinner and bathed, settling in on the couch with Victor to read, the fireplace going and soft piano music playing from the stereo system throughout the house. I laid my head on his shoulder enjoying the feeling of his big warm hand cradling our child, euphoric sleep came with the warmth I felt.  Victor looking over from his book in his lap whispering “I love you, my Dummy. You’re still not getting any pudding.”
