#im going to save you for later



Angsty Imodna prompts that are free for the taking

  • Imogen continues to ignore Laudna and Orym finally talks to her. He tells her he’s never seen Laudna afraid of anything except for Imogen
  • Laudna tries to talk to Imogen but Imogen is overwhelmed and accidentally breaks one of Laudna’s belongings (Pâté, Sashimi, the house) and Laudna has to leave for a bit to calm down
  • Laudna gets knocked unconscious trying to save Imogen while they’re not talking to each other
  • Laudna gets knocked off the side of the airship while she’s unconscious so she can’t cast feather fall on herself, so Imogen jumps overboard to save her
  • Both Imogen and Laudna act riskier in battle, to the point that they’re both knocked unconscious
  • Laudna and Dusk share a room together and Imogen spends the entire night trying not to listen in because she’s afraid that they’re getting intimate
  • Laudna decides to leave the group, perhaps with Dusk
  • Imogen dreams of Laudna walking into the storm and wakes up to find Laudna and all her belongings gone
  • After Laudna leaves, Imogen tries to send her a message but Laudna ignores her every time
  • Laudna loses all self-preservation because some small part of her wonders if dying will get rid of Delilah once and for all. Orym and FCG hold an intervention for her