#im gonna try that with this


Time to make a post about my project!

I wrote a little on it before (in the tags lol), but here is the idea: stone age/early neolithic period in a fantasy genre. I want to explore the stories and myths of ancient civilizations (which possibly trace back to this period) + homo sapien & Neanderthal interaction!

It’s fun to think of this time period with fantastical creatures like dragons, mermaids, and sea monsters in them. Couple that with ancient megafauna!

Art historians often speculate that cave art & stone age sculptures had a spiritual function. It had me thinking about how magic and curses were an important element in ancient civilizations’ stories (think even in biblical text). So where did this all originate from, so much that people would have great experience with them? It must be a very very ancient unknown past, probably the stone age period of humanity. This time period has huge potential for fantasy exploration! I want to explore all these ideas and make a story out of them.

Here are some illustrations I made, with more under the cut, featuring the so far only OC (placeholder name for now is Tam. Short and simple) and his father-figure Neanderthal friend! I have a bit of a story in mind and other characters, but nothing concrete while I continue world-building. I will share more as I continue developing!

(hand painting… but with the rarest pigment of all. magggiiccc)

also a Neanderthal kid and grandma
