#im in most of these sentences and i dont like it



were you always that kid/teen that always had to walk behind your friends when walking on the pavement/side walk?

always the one that had to listen to others talking about yet another birthday party that you hadn’t been invited to?

that one friend who was only contacted if they’d already contacted everyone else first?

that one person that would be there for every single one of your friends and then when you needed comforting, there was no one around?

were you the friend that put your interests on hold while you listened to theirs and then they never asked you about yours?

were you that friend who hinted very obviously that you didn’t want to talk about a particular topic, but they’d just continue as if you weren’t there?

always the one that went out of your way to show your friends something that you knew they would be interested in, but it was never reciprocated?

the person with a lot of love to give, but never felt appreciated with others who were supposed to care about you?

were you always the one trying to start a conversation with someone, but they were so disinterested in you, that eventually, you gave up?

were you the one who starting self harming because you thought you were a worthless piece of shit ‘cause you thought that everyone hated you, even your ‘friends’?

always trying to please others so much that you forgot to look after yourself?

were you that friend who thought that your friends were more important than your mental well-being?

always the one that laughed off the insulting comments your friends would throw at you as a ‘joke’?

that one friend that always listened to others pain even if it drained you completely?

Were you that kid/teen that always wore long sleeves in hot weather to conceal your self harm cuts and scars?

Were you the one that had a nervous breakdown at 18 because you couldn’t handle the pressure at school and had to go to a mental hospital?

Always felt like the ‘stupid’ one even though you just have ADHD and weren’t stupid at all?

did you always feel as if you were second best?

always the last choice in every friend group you’ve ever been in?

because I have and I still feel those things (sometimes).

I want you to know that you don’t deserve that shit and the people that made you feel that way don’t deserve you.

you deserve to be appreciated just for being you and no one else.

You deserve to be listened to and have people take an interest in your hyperfixations/special interests.

you deserve to be held/hugged and told that everything will be fine in the end. You deserve to find happiness with someone special (whether that’s a family member, friend, romantic partner(s), queer platonic partner(s), etc)

you deserve to be told that you’re worthy of love, which you are.
