#im just having lots of fun thinking about it


I love baby-faced Martin as much as the next touch-starved romantic, but please join me in considering: Martin who looks much older than he is, just like Jon.

Martin who felt confident in lying about his age being ten years older on his CV, and then wasn’t questioned on it even by folks who aren’t eldritchly aware of the truth.

Martin who’s managed to get part time gigs starting when he was high school aged, who’s always working and stressed doing everything for his mum and it makes him look older faster, look EXACTLY like his dad when he’s still just a teenager.

Martin who confesses I’m only 29!! as if it’s a huge revelation (and Jon who immediately recognizes a kindred spirit even when he didn’t know why his gut was telling him that)

And then a jonmartin 32 year old power couple who look like a nice old pair of retirees moving up to the highlands, especially if the lonely made Martin’s hair go white, and everyone keeps offering to carry his shopping for him and give him early bird discounts.  Jon is dying but Martin thinks it’s hilarious and it saves money, Jon so he puts on a terrible old man accent and starts calling everyone sonny and Jon has to kiss him to shut him up before he dies of second hand embarrassment.
