#im not kidding when i say this is about to make me cry




I literally cannot stop thinking about this one letter you can read in Skyhold hold on I’m going to see if the wiki has it

My dear Ewan,

You have been the light of my life, the song in my heart, for over a year. But the world has changed, and both of us with it. How does one live through the rending of the sky and still remain the same? I have seen oblivious through the rifts, and I fear our lives are about to end. You told me the distance between us would be hard to bear, and I said I would never seek the arms of any but yours. I was wrong.

I have met someone in Val Royeaux. She is dark where you are fair. She fills her life with poetry, not battle. And her voice… her tongue trips so sweetly on the trills and flourishes of the Orlesian language. She gives me hope that we will survive this.

I’m sorry. I will never forget you.




- this note is not included in the Codex

*Regina Spektor voice* and the codex didn’t mention us….. Not even once….
