#im rather proud of this ok

A Harry Potter/ASOIAF AU2014. The horrors of the second war against Voldemort lie almost forgottenA Harry Potter/ASOIAF AU2014. The horrors of the second war against Voldemort lie almost forgottenA Harry Potter/ASOIAF AU2014. The horrors of the second war against Voldemort lie almost forgotten

A Harry Potter/ASOIAF AU

2014. The horrors of the second war against Voldemort lie almost forgotten. The wizarding world has grown complacent in its peace. Very little has changed, though those who fought in the war swore they would change the world when they had won. The post-war reforms that once aimed to redistribute power to prevent the abuse of power by Ministers of Magic have only served to weaken the Ministry, while creating a powerful bureaucracy with a mind of its own. In the vacuum caused by the downfall of the Malfoy family, the purebloods squabble for power and influence while Andromeda Tonks struggles to keep the Ministerial position out of the grabbing hands of the unscrupulous and the unworthy, of those who would seek to run Britain to the ground for their own profit.

But the worst is still yet to come.

Over the channel in France, Draco Malfoy has married Astoria Greengrass, the youngest of the Greengrass family heirs. Sick of the long years of his exile, Draco persuades his father-in-law Mars Greengrass to find a way to bring him back into England so he can reclaim the Malfoy family lands and assets - and rebuild the Malfoy empire from scratch. With his father-in-law’s connections - a network spread right through Europe, the Greengrass family’s own, theirs at the slightest wave of the hand -  backing him, there is little that Draco Malfoy will stop at to take back what is his.

Back in England, rumours have reached the ears of wizards across the land of, rumours that tell of a new kind of sorcery. A dark magic lurking deep in the heart of the Forbidden Forest, so dark that those who cross it have been found on the boundaries of the forest, magic-less, turned to muggles

In the far reaches of the West, where sea meets sky, an old magic awakes. For long centuries the Naiads have slept, following the events of the Great Wars of Fire in which wizarding armies burnt forests and slaughtered the Dryads, seizing lands from them and wells and ponds from the Naiads. Now, the Naiads prepare to take back their wells, to take back their ponds, to break the bridges that have bound them and sunk them into their deep sleep. They will rule as they once did; as they deserve.

Teddy Lupin has seen their troops and heard their vows, but it is so hard to fight a war, to remember that this is war when he sees the anger that burns in Victoire Weasley’s eyes as she tells him the story of her mother’s people. There is injustice, grave injustice, but war is coming and his duty lies with his grandmother and the people who have raised him from childhood.

(Or does it? He doesn’t know. There is very little he knows if Victoire is to be believed.)

And there are those funny tales Lysander tells everyone, of how he has talked to the trees and heard their anger, how he has walked in darkness in the skin of a wolf without being one, how he has flown through the skies though he has no wings. Projection magic, Luna Lovegood says softly, while everyone tries to hide their worry. It is not normal.

Meanwhile, beyond the walls of Hogwarts, the last safe place before the magical Wild, in the darkness of the Forbidden Forests, a long-forgotten enemy rallies. Centaurs, the last of the Free Elves and the Freed House Elves, rally and wait. Something is stirring, an ancient people once driven to near extinction by the Great Wars of Fire. An old prophecy concerning the rising of the Great Birnam Wood troubles the dreams of seers across the land. In the heart of the Forbidden Forest, the Dryads rise from their homes, gathering in the dark, waiting for the moment when they may sweep out of the forests and burn the wizarding world to the ground.

On the 11th of August 2014, Gringotts shuts its doors to the wizarding world for the first time.

War is coming. But will the wizarding world, be able to withstand it?

(Pics: 257,9)

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