#im really proud of it





decided I’m gonna learn imovie today to make some of the videos knocking around in my brain, enlisted a friend to help me because hes good at that stuff, but its becoming rapidly clear he gravely underestimated how completely ignorant of all things technology I am

ok hes helped me collect my little video clips :)))) and also made some for me because he can tell how woefully incompetent I am :))) does anyone know how to download songs

NEVER FUCKING MIND this is easily the worst thing ive ever tried, mad respect for everyone making videos of any kind, I cannot even figure out the most basic elements of imovie with four people helping me, whats a mp3 converter, what is even an mp3, worst hobby attempt EVER

sorry for freaking out everyone I calmed down yesterday and finished this masterpiece of niche media no one will appreciate (I decided this was the best starting project because I already knew all the video really easily and I could just find it on youtube and its not copy righted sooo yeah my oldest and worst hyperfixation)
