#im shitposting again



what books were you assigned to read in a class that you still hold a violent and bitter grudge against

for me it’s into the wild and the scarlet letter

I was sat on a bench this morning when a stranger approached me thinking I was someone else. This was fine, except it transpired that the ‘someone else’ in question was sixty, was in poor enough health that the stranger was concerned they hadn’t seen her recently, and they remarked that ‘the fight has gone out of her.’

I am thirty years old.

One of the reasons I love Will Riker so much is because he meets someone new and his first instinct is ‘sex :)?’ and if they say ‘hmm, yes sex,’ he’s like ‘YAY SEX!’ but if they say ‘hmm, no sex,’ he’s like ‘YAY FRIENDS!’

Season 1 of OUAT aired 11 years ago and I’m still not over the fact that the true love’s kiss which broke the most powerful curse in existence was a maternal one.

One of the first things Phlox does when left on his own is to just wander around the ship doing his daily chores stark bollock naked and honestly, what an icon.
