#im sorry it took so long

Brock stood in front of the tank, mesmerized by the way the luminous dots along the fins of the crea

Brock stood in front of the tank, mesmerized by the way the luminous dots along the fins of the creatures tail seemed to pulse. He stared up at the mouth full of sharp pointed teeth, the way the creature seemed to get angrier (If that was even possible. It was pretty damn irritated when Brock had strolled up the first time), and had the niggling suspicion that he was about to make an absolutely terrible, decision that was most likely going to result in someone getting hurt. Mostly himself.

My@marveltrumpshate auction for @kalika999

Post link

Aneya x Asra

word count: 512

Giveaway for: @arcana-noodles (I hope you like it!)

Fluffy white hair falls into the mischievous magicians eyes as he silently descends the stairs, waiting until he senses the familiar locking charms being placed on the door by his lovely Aneya. The taller woman lets out a happy sigh, glad to be closed after a busy day of work. She turns, and begins to head for the stairs, but pauses upon seeing asra, who leans against the wall, in only a shirt; her shirt. A smirk plays on his lips as he watches her expression.

He doesn’t wait for her to speak, nor does he say anything before quickly heading back up the stairs, beckoning for her to follow. She does so without hesitation, albeit a bit suspicious. Once at the top, her golden eyes sweep the room, confusion dancing across her features until she feels the magicians hands slide up her shirt, and his breath on her ear from behind.

“Finally, I was so excited all day..” He murmurs against her shoulder as his hands begin to roam. She shivered slightly and turned around, holding back a laugh at the sight of him standing on his tiptoes to achieve the previous position.

“Well whose fault is that? You’re the one who got carried away with the dirty talk this morning..” She retorts, chuckle catching in her throat as his hands grasp her breasts.

“True, but you didn’t stop me. In fact, your moans only urged me to continue.” Myrth dances in his eyes as he slowly pushes her back, until she’s sitting on the bed. Her clothes are slowly and gently pulled from her plump figure as asra leaves butterfly kisses on the newly exposed skin. His lips make their way up her chest, then across her throat, and finally to her ear where he nips gently. Nimble fingers sneak downwards towards her heat while he speaks into her ear.

“Who knew I would be able to make you cum just by telling you about all the things I wanted to do to you?” He smirks, softly stroking her sensitive areas once she lets loose a soft moan. Soft strokes soon turn into quick and calculated presses and rubbings, and sweet nothings soon turn into hot, sexual phrases. It isn’t long before he has her pleading for him, not being able to withstand the merciless teasing much longer.

When he finally does enter, it is slow, and deliberate, accompanied by coos and compliments.

“You’re doing so well for me.. I love how you stretch around my cock.. Your moans are like lullabies.” Soon enough, he’s thrusting and moaning too much, and his dirty talk is reduced to swears and declarations of love for the woman beneath him. When they both reach their climaxes, he is careful to draw them out as long as possible for both of them, and is drawn into a deep kiss by her forcefull and loving grasp.

Both lay there afterwards, panting and smiling blissfully. Asra peers up at his love, and smiles wildly.

“I love you so much.”

“I know asra, I love you too.”

Jasper x Lucio

word count: 1,085

Giveaway piece for @raccoon-with-a-pen (I hope you like it! Let me know if you don’t please?)

“Back again so soon? I knew you couldn’t get enough of me.” Croaks a very sick count lying in bed. The young doctor recruited to help heal lucio simply rolled his purple eyes, setting up his tools on the bedside table.

“Deep breath in.” Jasper commands, pressing a cold stethoscope to the once muscled and toned chest, which had been reduced to a malnutritioned skeleton. Lucio gripes at the cold sensation, but does as told.

“Have you been taking the pills I told you to take?” The young doctor asks suspiciously, pulling the tool back and returns it to its original place around his pale and freckled neck, just barely peeking through the collar of his uniform.

Lucio wrinkles his nose. “No, they taste disgusting.” He barks, crossing his arms like a defiant child.

“Lucio, you’re supposed to swallow the pills, not eat them.”

“…Right, of course. I knew that.” The blonde’s pale face became blotchy as it attempted to blush. Jasper sighes, and glances around the room, noting the scattered and emptied wine bottles.

“Have you been drinking..?” Jasper could feel irritation slowly building up towards the stubborn man laying in bed, wasting away. They had spent a considerable amount of time together these past few weeks, and the younger man felt like they had grown close, so this was obviously upsetting to him.

“Maybe..” Lucio reluctantly admits, looking away sheepishly. Jasper looks down, trying to control his breathing for several moments of uncomfortable silence.

“Do you even want to get better?” He finally asks, looking into the gray, sunken in eyes intensely. Lucio scoffs, sticking up his nose.

“Of course I do. What kind of question is that?! You should stop asking stupid questions and figure out how to heal me already.” He snaps in a snotty voice. Jasper shakes his head, and glares at the count.

“Swallow the pills. No more alcohol. I’ll be back tomorrow.” With that, he swiftly stands up, and leaves the protesting count.

Once in the hall, he leans against it with a sigh, moving the cloth that covers his nose and mouth down. Nothing had been working, he couldn’t figure out why. Usually the treatments helped other plague victims at least a little bit, but nothing would work with lucio. A gloved hand ran through his carmel curls in frustration.

The next day, Jasper returns, and notes with delight that there are no longer any wine bottles laying around the counts room.

“And the pills? Did you take them properly?” He asks, suspicion tinting his voice as he looks down at the man. Lucio nods, making a face at him dramatically.

“Yes, yes. Stop nagging me already.” A huff escapes the counts thinning lips as he avoids the doctors amethyst gaze.

Jasper can’t help the smile that crosses his face, glad that the mask covers it as he sits down next to the count.

“Good. Now, I’ve brought you some soup.” Jasper says, using magic to heat up the bowl in his hands to the perfect temperature. He proceeds to feed the count, who doesn’t mind in the slightest.

“Did you make this?” Asks a pleasantly surprised voice after gulping down several spoonfuls.

“Yes. Why? Is it not good?”

“No, no, it isn’t bad.” Lucio admits, not one to outright compliment anyone other than himself really. Jasper felt his chest ever so slightly fill with pride, and he silently continued to feed the count. Once it was all gone, and all of the other tests had been completed, Jasper stands up to leave.

“Wait, Don’t leave.” Lucio quickly says, voice slightly cracking. He covers it up by quickly saying, “I still haven’t told you about the time I defeated the crazy king of the southern isles.” Lucio put on a charming grin, but his plague ridden eyes showed jasper the truth; he didn’t want to be alone yet. Jasper sat down on the bed, and nodded. Lucio then launched into the story, retelling it with as much enthusiasm as the dying man could muster up. After the third coughing fit, Jasper had to stop him.

“Alright, I think that’s enough for today. Get some sleep. I’ll be back tomorrow.” With that, Jasper left once again.

Later that night, while working with a group of other plague doctors down in the dungeons, he grew angry. They wouldn’t stop talking about how great it would be once lucio finally keeled over, and how he was such an annoyance. Jasper stormed out, mid-autopsy. He ended up at the counts door, and slid down the wall next to it.

He was awoken a couple of hours later by a wet tongue sliding across his face. Mercedes sat there excitedly, wiggling his whole body upon seeing the doctor now awake. The dog barked at him, causing him to jump a bit and hurriedly hush the excited creature.

“Where’s your brother hmm?” Jasper whispers after a few moments of happily rubbing the dogs belly. A wet cough draws his attention to the door, seeing the count lazily leaning against it, while petting the other dog who sat at his wobbly feet.

“So were you just going to sleep there all night or were you going to come in?” Lucio asked, smirking slightly. Jasper huffed.

“Why aren’t you asleep? I deliberately told you to get some rest.”

“Why aren’t you? One sleep deprived doctor is enough.” He grumbles in response. Jasper lets out an amused chuff, and stands up, not bothering to pull up his mask.

“Almost all of the doctors are sleep deprived, lucio.”

“Whatever. That’s their own fault. Now get in here and help me back to my bed.”

“Why are you up anyways?”

“I.. I couldn’t sleep. I usually drink at this time to help but..” This causes jasper to smile slightly as he helped the count into bed.

“But I asked you not to.”

“More like demanded.” Grumbles Lucio, tugging the younger man onto the bed.

“Lucio, I can’t stay here..” Jasper says reluctantly, but makes no move to escape the frail grasp of the count, feeling the dogs hop up onto the bed in the darkness.

“You can and you will,”  Lucio says cockily at first, but adds on in a quieter and fragile tone, “please..”

Jasper lets out a heavy sigh, before settling into the bed. “How annoying.” He grumbles in a slightly teasing tone, but laces his fingers with the secretly lonely man beside him. With that, the two manage to drift off into a peaceful sleep.


Nadia x GN!Reader

word count: 1,008

For giveaway winner: @the-arcana-girls (I hope you like it! If not, please message me and I’ll write you something else?)

Nadia gazed upon the apprentice as they looked at their newly stocked wardrobe in shock. Gowns made of the finest silk hung delicately alongside shirts covered in beautiful patterns, and various other cloth items filled up the previously bare space.

“I.. This is too much nadia!” The apprentice finally sputters after lightly touching a glittering scarf that was the same hue as their eyes. They reluctantly tear their gaze from the luxurious items to peer at their lover with wide eyes. Nadia smiled at them, amusement dancing across her countenance as she took a sip of her wine.

“My love, nothing is too much for you.” She says with a light laugh, patting the cushion next to her position. Large, stuffed pillows ranging in colors filled the space around the countess, creating a rather comfortable sitting area, along with a short, darkly colored wooden table with gold accents which held a delicate tea set atop its surface.

The apprentice made their way over and sat down obediently, an objection on their lips, but was unable to properly speak as a chocolate covered fruit was pressed against them.

“Here, taste this.” Nadia said, holding the fruit with carefully trimmed nails, as to not get chocolate on her fingers. The apprentice semi-reluctantly opened their mouth, and aloud nadia to feed them, a light blush coating their cheeks. Slowly chewing, their eyes gleamed and they let out a noise of contentment, causing nadia to laugh lightly.

The taller woman pulled the apprentice by the shoulders, moving them to lay against her chest, and began to comb her fingers through their hair.

“Let me pamper you, my dear.” Nadia coos in a low voice, lightly blowing warm air against their neck which caused them to gently shiver. Slowly, they forced their body to relax against the woman, and let out a small sigh. A smile pulled at her plump lips, and she chuckles once again.

“I really don’t need all of those clothes Nadia, they’re so.. Nice.” The apprentice finally speaks, disrupting the comfortable and relaxing silence that had begun to settle over the two. Nadia sighed, but continued her ministrations on their hair.

“You may not need them, but I want you to have them. I want to see you dressed in the finest apparel across the lands. I want to give you everything, my love.” A soft kiss to the apprentices forehead ends her sentence.

“Of course, if you’d prefer, I could empty your wardrobe and have you prance around in the nude?” Nadia teases, causing the apprentice to shake her head, blushing all the way to their ears.

“No, no, I’ll wear the clothes.”

“Good.” Nadia nodded in satisfaction, and her hands move from massaging their scalp down to their nape, then to their shoulders.

“How about you try something on for me right now hmm?” She asked, trailing a nail softly along their collar bone, receiving a nice shudder in response.

“Now?” The apprentice opens their eyes, and then sighed slightly, moving to their feet reluctantly. They hadn’t wanted to leave her warmth, and already missed her scent that had lovingly wrapped around them. Nadia once again leaned back, taking the previously abandoned teacup back into her hands. She nodded her head towards the wardrobe, causing her loosely tied hair to set a few strands tumbling into her face.

A few moments later, the apprentice comes out from behind the screen next to the wardrobe. They are wrapped in a tightly fitting bodice covered in tiny shimmering gems. An opaque cloth drapes over the shoulders, shimmering with each movement. Snuggly fitted to their hips, a skirt flares out and covers the rest of their form with a lovely matte color that perfectly complements their skin tone. They do a small spin for the adoring countess, causing the woman to applaud.

“It looks lovely on you, just as I knew it would. How does it feel? Does it fit properly?” Nadia stands up, walking over with a grace that almost seemed unfitting due to her pajama clad form. Her hands rest on their hips, and then their waist, checking to see how it fits.

“It fits perfectly Nadia. It’s incredible too..” They say, glancing at themselves in a mirror hung up on the side of the wardrobe. It had been surprisingly difficult to get into, but it was worth it. It hugged all of their curves perfectly, and somehow managed to hide any insecurities they felt. They had a feeling that the other items would have a similar effect.

Nadia wrapped her long, capable arms around their waist, and hugged them from behind while they look at themselves in the mirror.

“I love you.” She purred, and pressed a chaste kiss against the spot where their shoulder connects to their neck. They turn their head with a smile, and planted a kiss of their own on her forehead. “I love you too.” They stood like that for a little while longer, before nadia pulled away with a calculating look on her face.

“Wait here for a moment.” She said, before beginning to skirt around the room, picking up and putting down various objects and then returned to their side. Her nimble fingers quickly secured a lovely jeweled necklace with a laced chain around their neck, and then looked at the mirror once again, nodding in approval.

“Perfect. Just what it needed.”

The next couple of hours are spent in a similar manner, Nadia dressing up the apprentice like her own personal doll, until they finally got through every new outfit, and matched each one with the perfect accessory. They then laid out on the pillows once again, both clad in comfortable pajamas, and exhausted.  Various servants had entered, and refreshed their tea whenever it had gotten cold, and as the hours grew later, they had brought dinner in for the two as well. Nadia insisted on feeding the apprentice their dinner, and this time they had no objections, feeling their heart swell with love from being pampered all day.
