#im still in shock



Pedro Pascal,Diego Luna, and Ewan McGregor for Vanity Fair, June 2022.

distancedesigns: @victoriajustice posted some of my artwork on her official Facebook page and added


@victoriajustice posted some of my artwork on her official Facebook page and added this comment! Well, you guys heard the lady!
But, really, this means so much to me

So this happened…

Post link


KK/CK Fanfiction Awards 2022 - Best Carmen

Runner Up: El Serpiente y El Halcón by @afurioushawk

Winner: Carmen Diaz and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by @usaonetwothree

Moodboard by: @storyshark2005

It’s been an entire week and I still can’t believe it. Thank you so much, everyone!! (And especially @storyshark2005​ for the absolutely gorgeous moodboard!!)

i’ve been team canon buddie for a while but also if you had told me a couple of months ago that in the s5 finale buck would describe his idea of true love as basically his entire relationship with eddie and then he’d break up with his girlfriend because he wants a clean slate just not with her…i think i would have laughed and cried at the same time

So last year I’ve join a project for Peter Capaldi’s birthday, to send a video message to the man himself along with many other fans to wish him a very happy birthday.

The organisers have worked their socks off to try to send the package of cards and art work and the video disc to him but sadly got sent back due to difficulties and covid postage issues.

However, the video got sent to him via email (I think) and he got it today, then spent his spare time to film himself thanking each and every person who got involved with the video……including me!!!

I’ve managed to download the video and edit it down to my bit and here is what he said to me. Even though it’s short and not much it’s the fact that he still remembers me after 3 years since we last saw eachother amongst many fans he has meet since then. This has shocked me but has cheered me up massively so a huge thankyou to the organisers for sending me the video and to Peter himself for the time and to thank us, day made!!

holy shit elton reposted my drawing on his story
