#im still so embarrassed thinking about my awkward self


Day 2 was a bit more exhilarating because I mainly stayed in the booth this time around. Got the freebies, took photos per usual, and I actually stayed for the kabedon~! He was dressed as Mitsunari this time and I got excited because I like Mitsunari and I never got to see him cosplay as him in person before :P So my friend and I had lined up excitedly. I met this person who stood in front of me and we gushed about Nobunaga bc he is our main IkeSen bae lol. When the line started moving, I was exchanging LINE chats with Mandi and found out that the three of them didn’t make it to the line before they capped it. O: I felt bad bc well Emi really loves Mitsunari, so I offered to give my spot away for her. They asked the staff if it was fine, so they had me switch out for Emi. I watched in the sideline and recorded her and my friend get their kabedons ehehehe.

Mandi and Spyro suddenly offered me their autograph ticket for Yamada Shiro’s signing, and idk what to say…they said it was because they had an event to go to and didn’t want the ticket to go to waste. I graciously accepted and was screaming internally bc is this instant good karma??? After the kabedon event ended and after a quick rest nearby, I went back to the booth and saw there was a photo-op with Hiroto-kun while he was still in Mitsunari cosplay >w< So I happily went in the short line and got a photo with him ehehehe. Soon after that was the autograph signing and jdnsjfdg I finally get to see the Ikesen artist! She was so cute ;w; There was an interview portion where Hiroto-kun asked her questions about her works, process, tools, and the game, while Yasmin translated it for us. I was proud of myself bc I understood 90% of what was being said in Japanese (which I will regret later**). After Q&A from the audience, it was time for the signing! We got a lot of goodies along with the chance to have a short exchange with Yamada-san. ;w; I was nearly the last person in line and I was just having mini panic attacks because I had no idea what to say or do. 

By the time it was my turn, I was even more flustered because, well…Hiroto-kun is right by your face since he is willing to translate your message for Yamada-san and my brain stopped functioning lmao. I pretty much stuttered out a message, like how I love her character designs, that my favorites are Nobunaga and Ieyasu, and that as an artist myself, I find her an inspiration (which I said twice bc my brain was fried and I’m a very very awkward person).

She asked me if I draw fanart of Nobunaga and Ieyasu, and when I said yes, Hiroto-kun urged me to show her my works. CJSKFKDFB THIS CAME OUT OF NOWHERE AND I WASNT PREPARED AND I PANICKED AS I SCRAMBLED FOR MY pHONE AND I WAS kcjsf SJK. I opened up my tumblr and started madly scrolling down, FEELING HORRIFIED bc I HAVENT DRAWN THEM IN SO LONG and everyone was kinda waiting on me aND the internet sucked and wouldnt load my images and aaaND AND I felt my face redden, and my ears burn this whole time. I stuttered out a “chotto matte kudasai” in a panic and she looked surprised and asked Hiroto-kun to ask me if I knew Japanese. When he translated it to me, I was so nervous bc His FACE WAS RIGHT THERE and I was still flustered about my ART anD MAKING THEM WAIT That I was like “Chotto mat-sukoshi, chotto sukoshi.” /dies on the spot I wanted the floor to so badly open up and swallow me WHOLE. Plus it’s been so long since I’ve taken Japanese that I am very rusty and a failure hahaha–this is what I meant when I said I would regret feeling proud of my Japanese earlier) Hiroto-kun had to tell her that the wifi is slow, and that I’m looking for them, and it made me so nervous like I AM SO SORRY HAHDB AHD Bsf . My friends said that they were watching the staff and everyone’s faces look at me in confusion while waiting i am so sorry i am jsut not prepared

So I quickly told them ah–I have some on Twitter, so I opened that app and while waiting for it to load, she was like I cAN JUST @ HER ON TWITTER WITH MY DRAWINGS AND I WAS liKE AHH HERE IS ONE, and I showed her a picture of my bday Ieyasu fanart and she liked it and ahhh. I still mentioned her on twitter with some fanart anyways (even though I highly doubt she will see but it’s ok lol). So ah, after that hot mess was over, I staggered over to choose my free pin, and I love that Yasmin already knew and was like “Nobunaga,” lmao. Yes, yes pls gimme Nobunaga’s pin ;w; We both share a love for Nobabu.

I staggered over to my friends and they were all happy and also chuckling bc they watched my whole nervous and awkward self up there. They told me they watched me panic up there and were wondering what took me so long and why I was madly swiping up and down my phone HAHAHA. When they noticed I was still shaking, I got some hugs and back/shoulder rubbing until I was calm lmao.

Later that night, I met up with my trio of lovely tumblr ladies again and we chatted, took some photos together and I was shown some of Emi’s lovely fanart of Rayvis that she made for Spyro. :D Emi then surprised with with a Ray charm/acrylic stand kdnfkjsgbdfjbh TT A TT So happy bc he is my Ikerev bae. I’m so thankful, so so thankful—for the signing opportunity they had given me and the Ray acrylic charm/stand.


It was a really nice way to end my Day 2 at AX. <3
