#im terrible with fashion tho




How do they react when Vil asks them to model for him? He wants to see how certain clothes look on them because he thinks it’s just their style!

[Are they comfortable with Vil? Will they feel self conscious under his sharp gaze? ]

« perfectly on time. not bad for a potato. » vil appraised, looking up from his watch.

« of course. as you know, i take pride in my punctuality. » yuu nods, smiling politely.

yuu and vil seldom interacted as their paths simply do not cross that often. that said, it had been recruited by vil to help shoot a scene for the film research club. it seemed that a few scenes in their project featured equestrian arts, so he asked to borrow a member of the equestrian club to act as a stuntman and a consultant.

and it seemed yuu was the one vil had picked out. and vil prided himself on his discerning eye.

yuu was easy to work with, reliable. hard-working, but also proactive, refraining from speaking out of line, but unafraid to interject whenever it had ideas or had valid criticisms. but beyond that, it was hard to describe yuu as anything but the word… pleasant. there was nothing else that was striking or noteworthy about it. someone nice you appreciate in the moment, but forget in the next.

but vil had a mostdiscerning eye, indeed.

i imagine yuu and vil to have mutual respect for each other, especially because they recognise each other’s diligence and hard working nature. it’s just that they work hard for different things, esp w/ yuu not caring much about its appearance. it’s actually incredibly meticulous about its own hygiene, but when it comes to dressing itself, its perfectly satisfied with looking presentable. just presentable.

beauty isn’t something it rlly pursues much to vil’s consternation hahaha

i think it’s someone who actually takes pride in how, generic, it looks. it has a face you’d see and find anywhere, it has the same old haircut with dull black hair and boring dark eyes, and forgettable visage. yuu is a face in a crowd, yuu blends in, yuu is unremarkable. just some person.

yuu is fine with vil, it doesn’t feel uncomfortable around him, and doesn’t feel uncomfortable or shy away under his sharp gaze. it’s used to being appraised, evaluated, and scrutinised by critical eyes belonging to all sorts of people. and vil’s equally sharp tongue does little to unnerve it. it has heard worse things directed at it, and vil’s commentary doesn’t come from malicious intents. it may even consider taking some commentary into account to improve itself.

to put it simply, yuu is comfortable in who it is, and even if it had struggled with confidence and body image growing up, it’s no longer something it has a problem with. yuu is fine with being criticised, it’s no skin off its back. it knows what it likes, it knows what it finds comfortable, and just wears that. a mean comment or a blunt criticism won’t diminish how much it likes itself. yuu is comfortable in its skin. in fact, it finds considers itself rather good-looking all things considered. perhaps not handsome, but cute at least.

and while yuu respects his dedication, it finds vil a bit too overbearing sometimes, cuz all the beauty tips are going through one ear and out the other.

so it came as a little bit of a surprise when vil approached it as the project wrapped up, and even more so when it was asked if it would be willing to model for him.

after some brief thought, a nod and a quick acquiescence, yuu was given a time.

and now here it stood in pomefiore’s lounge, vil before it.

it glided almost silently behind vil as it followed him to the studio within the dorm, silent footsteps ghosting behind the proud, resonant click of vil’s heels.

yuu wore simple black turtleneck under his grey checkered coat. it was tucked into its high-waisted brown slacks, white socks, and black oxfords. it explained that it had assumed that it would have to change often into different clothes, so it chose to wear something that was easy to take off instead of its usual school uniform. vil huffs approvingly at yuu’s foresight.

it seemed that this potato had some idea of what its own style is, but it irks vil to see something not be allowed to reach its full potential.

« sit down. » he commands, patting on chair, which yuu quickly follows. « let’s deal with those curtains you call a fringe, first. »

yuu takes off its glasses and remains silent as it lets vil do his work, and he appreciates how yuu doesn’t move and squirm around to complain and resist. it’s a shame that it didn’t possess any magic, as he wouldn’t have minded a student like yuu amongst the batch of fresh potatoes sorted into pomefiore this year. with an already well-polished mind, vil would have no trouble polishing it into someone beautiful as well.

« goodness, your hair… please don’t tell me you ask your stylist to cut it crooked? » he sighs exasperatedly, working with yuu’s uneven fringe, which slopes down to cover the left side of its face. 

« the barber cuts it straight, but it always ends up lopsided when it grows out. » yuu disputes.

« that so? »

the hair itself was fine; shiny and soft, clearly well-taken care of. vil decides he will part it differently so that its hair doesn’t cover its face anymore and to give its flat hair more volume. but as he gently cards his fingers through them, he notices something else that bothers him.

« are you aware that you’re greying? »

« … yes. i dye it black regularly. are the roots beginning to show? » yuu confirms.

« here’s my first advice for you: forget the dye. with the right styling, i find that salt and pepper hair suits you. » vil tuts.

yuu doesn’t move, but it raised its brows minutely, surprised.

« i see. i will keep that in mind then. »

« good. » vil nods, giving his work a final once-over. « now. care to tell me what your skincare routine entails? » vil interrogates with an accusatory tone in his voice, as he turns away to retrieve his makeup bag.

« i use a face wash when i shower… and use a toner when i remember… »

« what about a lotion? a moisturiser?? »

yuu slowly shakes its head no, and vil clicks his tongue in disapproval.

« it’s so dry. you used to pick your pimples growing up didn’t you? i can tell from your acne scars. you need to take better care of your skin, not just with a skincare routine but by also eating a proper diet. what have you been you eating?? » he chastised yuu, giving it the first tongue-lashing in a while.

« well… not anymore, but… before entering nrc, i, i didn’t really see myself living long, so i just ate instant ramen and take out- » yuu cuts itself short, eyes widening as it saw vil’s darkening expression. « not anymore, not anymore! i can cook and i go to the cafeteria for my meals! i eat a healthy balanced diet now! » it defends.

« if this is your skin on a healthy diet, then i’m getting nervous about what it looked like before. » vil chides. « your lips are dry too- ah-ah! no! don’t you dare lick them now. »

at the very least, yuu seemed to have the decency to look a bit sheepish over it.

he’ll find a way to salvage that face of its, there is potential there, even if it’s been dulled.

using the right colour of concealer, finding the right shade of eyeshadow, the right amount of mascara, using an eyeliner to apply gold accents that brings its features out without being overpowering or distracting, these are things vil knows how to do with ease. now that he was this close too, vil notices yuu’s unnatural, almost sickly, pallor despite his darker skin tone, and works to give yuu some colour.

once satisfied with his work, vil takes a picture of it before returning yuu’s glasses and turning it towards a mirror, letting it take its new appearance.

« this is certainly different. » yuu comments after a while, staring at its reflection.

« one would begin to think you spend too much time with ghosts! you’re starting to look like one! » 

vil moves onto a tangent, explaining the different things he applied on its face, and why; a modest amount of blush and lip gloss to give it more colour, eyeshadow that accentuate its eyes and gold eyeliner to bring attention to them, while also using some product to bring definition to its lashes. yuu nods, albeit only understanding half of what was being said, and intent on recreating none of it after removing the makeup that evening before bed.

it doesn’t have a knack for makeup and doesn’t exactly have the patience to learn at the moment.

« thank you for this. » yuu nods graciously.

« well, if you understand, go on and try these clothes on now. » vil huffs proudly, handing yuu the first outfit he put together. « the changing room is over there. »

yuu quietly accepted the articles and quietly stepped to the rooms to put them on, footsteps still eerily quiet.

« and stop slouching, or i’ll stick a ruler behind your back! » vil threatened.

the effect was instantaneous, yuu quickly fixing its posture and pulling its shoulders back, chin lifted, before disappearing behind a corner.

vil sighs, he really has his work cut out for him with this potato.

when yuu reappears, vil is pleased to see that his selection had been a perfect fit for it, not that he had any doubts. he knew exactly what items would go well with someone of yuu’s physique, and innate vibe.

it now wore a light brown wool vest with cable stitching on top of a white dress shirt. it seemed that yuu had taken some liberties to personalise the clothings, choosing to only tuck in one side under the white dress pants it was provided with, secured around its waist with a thick brown belt. hanging from its shoulder was the beige trenchcoat vil handed it with the outfit. not what vil had in mind, but it certainly wasn’t shabby looking.

vil nods approvingly, taking another picture, before giving it the next items, which it quickly put on, to return for vil’s assessment.

this time it was a white blouse, with ruffles flowing down the mandarin collar and through the loose, puffy sleeves, into the laced cuff. the fabric hung softly from yuu’s body, just enough to give it a smoother appearance without being overbearing to the point of swamping its body and muddying its physique. the soft fabric was tucked into the black dress pants it wore, on which the suspenders that hung around its shoulders were clipped. under it, yuu had dark grey socks and black oxfords. wrapped loosely around yuu’s neck was a grey scarf.

« i almost feel like a waiter working at the lounge. » yuu laughs to itself, as it looked over what it was wearing.

vil squints at it. to compare an outfit he personally put together for it to another dorm’s uniform… regardless, he tries not to dwell on it too long, but before handing yuu the next items, he asked it what it thought of skirts and high heels.

yuu gave it curious look.

« i have no problem with them. » it replied truthfully.

« perfect, because you’re wearing this outfit either way. »

yuu blinks as it takes the articles of clothing, not commenting or reacting otherwise.

when yuu returns, vil was pleasantly surprised by how he can now hear its approach, footsteps no longer silent as the rhythmic sound of heels clicking against the floor made its way closer to him. he was pleasantly surprised by how well yuu seemed to carry itself in the pair of high-heeled black boots it received, seemingly carrying itself with a certain grace it seldom revealed, walking towards vil with confident strides, elegant in its steps, never tripping or faltering.

« i see you’ve done this before. » vil hums, pleased.

« it’s certainly not my first time, no. » yuu nods, stopping before him once more, this time 10 centimetres taller.

it wore a black breton cap and a dark grey dress shirt with a cravat of the same colour, a gold chain hanging and looping on the hem. with just a plain black pencil skirt covering its lower half grazing the top of its knees, vil could see yuu’s slim, well defined legs, no doubt as a result from its consistent horse riding lessons, though he does cringe by how the rest of its skin seemed to be as dry as its face was.

« hmm. try this long vest on. » vil adds at the end of his evaluation, handing yuu another item, which it obediently put on.

vil seemed satisfied with the result, the hem of the long vest framing yuu’s figure well.

« i have one last outfit i want you to try on. here. »

the final outfit was a ruffled blouse with a black vest over it, complimented with a dark beret, a soft grey cardigan and a long plaid skirt with buttons running down the front. yuu still wore the same high-heeled boots, showing no signs of tiring. it stood still, beautifully, without a hint of clumsiness, back straight, without a slump.

unlike most potatoes, this one didn’t need to be reminded to not walk with slouch. it knows how to carry itself proudly and properly, lifting its feet with every step, not dragging them along the floor and causing a terribly awful scraping sound. though vil figured yuu knew how to pick its feet up to walk properly if it knew how to conceal its footsteps so well.

it’s a bit strange, to see yuu like this. but it seemed that vil was right: that behind someone who usually looked so dull and unremarkable, was a diamond in the rough. someone who possessed a certain charm that only needed a little coaxing to shine.

after finding himself satisfied with all the pictures he had taken of yuu, vil nods to himself, letting yuu know that it was free to leave, but not without giving it a long list of products to invest in for its skin, as well as the product he used for yuu’s makeup. it was a list he had organised during the exchange, and he made sure to show yuu that he had provided it with some cheaper alternative, so “budget cannot be used as an excuse to slack off!”.

yuu is then handed a large bag containing the different outfits vil had prepared and made it wear, and it hesitated before taking it from him.

« i had prepared these for you. i’ll give them to you as they do not fit me, and they suit you. » vil explains to the smaller student.

« oh. thank you ever so much. i will make sure to wear them often. » yuu nods gratefully, unable to deny that the outfits it was given were something it was inclined to dress in. that, and it would never turn away from free gifts.

from his long career, vil can spot an liar from a mile away, can easily spot when someone is playing a role or trying to deceive him. and yuu was a terribly good actor. but the way yuu responded to vil’s judgement and consideration, never once withering under his sharp gaze, the way it knew how to carry itself properly and walk in a dignified manner, in a way that garners and attracted people’s gaze. no, yuu is…

« you don’t actually attracting hate attention, do you? » he questions.

yuu stares at vil for a moment, for maybe a moment too long, its dark eyes perhaps a little too dark, before it decided at an answer.

« not particularly. i dislike it when people look at me too long, but i’ve been trained better than to make it known. » yuu shrugged. « but i also hatebeing ignored. » it admitted lowly.

« then why dull yourself? some people may take your modesty and unassuming disposition at face value, and judge you as someone not worth remembering. » vil wonders.

« being a stranger works for me. » yuu smiles placidly. « i prefer it this way. people lower their guard and speak openly even when i’m around. they do not seem to have any qualms about revealing things they would usually hide if they know i’m the only witness. »

vil watches as yuu moves to leave the room, footsteps unnaturally silent once more, but it lingers by the open doorway, seemingly lost in thought before it turned its head back to spare vil one last glance.

« after all, i’m the helpful,magiclessprefect of ramshackle dorm who will disappear one day. there would be no reason to be worried that i’m around, would there? » yuu smiles, some of its teeth peeking through. 

it doesn’t reach its eyes.

vil realises why yuu got along so well with underhanded, conniving octavinelle.


(in the end, i decided to draw the different outfits + yuu alternate hairstyle that vil chose for it)

i like the idea of wearing skirts and high heels without being emasculated/being asked if he’s femme aligned? like yuu uses he/it pronouns. he doesnt align with nonbinary or femme gender identities at all (theres nothing wrong with it – its just not who yuu is), but he can still rock a dress 
