#im thinking urban fantasy is my best bet



Why??? Can I not???? Think of a freaking comp title?????

@hailedloco if you don’t mind sharing, what’s the fantasy/magic element you’re trying to comp? I finally got back into reading over the last couple of years and would love to try to help (and/or other followers might also have ideas)

I’m basically trying to comp magic that is 1) everyday magic (used for things like car security and controlling air conditioning and making cool clothing) and/or 2) magic that is studied academically (like at a university level rather than the Harry Potter-esque studying only until you become an adult).

I don’t necessarily need to comp both parts of the magic, but I want my comp title to be a fantasy that’s more that type of magic than, say, magic that’s only used militarily or that’s only used by a very elite set of people.
