#im tired bruh






Anyway, misandry and misogyny are both equally terrible and neither should be accepted nor should there be communities that support them.

Oh right,

Because woman have a history of raping men in large numbers

In torturing them

In keeping them captive for their own pleasure and/or profit

Of killing them, and fucking their corpses

Of treating them like property, and suing each other for “damages” when one kills or rapes or disfigures the other’s man

Of setting them on fire when their sperm doesnt provide a daughter

Of snipping their largest pleasure organ for aesthetics

Oh yeah, women definitely have hated men as much as men have hated women for all of history. So when a woman gets angry and wants nothing to do with men and calls it misandry, that’s just as bad as her committing every crime on this list (and so many more).

Because obviously, misogyny and misandry are the same kind of hatred, and have been present in the same prevalence for all of time. Men and women are already equal, because we’ve been fighting and killing each other for eons, right? Neither has power over the other, because our hatred for each other are the same in scope and potency and effect. Because misogyny and misandry are two sides of the same coin.

Aren’t they?

1) Men don’t hate women. Such blanket statements are useless and factually incorrect. The minority does not represent the majority.

2) a lot of women do kill men. They do rape men. They do abuse them, and keep them hostage for their own pleasure. They do treat them like property.

Women just have the benefit of society saying they’re incapable of such acts, as you clearly demonstrated here.

Misogyny is prejudice against women. Misandry is prejudice against men. Hating and sterotyping an entire sex does not become ok because of shit that happened in the past. It was never all men. It was never even MOST men.

Just like the women who kill their husbands and boyfriends for refusing them sex do not mean misogyny is fine. The women who rape and abuse men do not mean misogyny is fine.

3)Prejudice does not care about power. Your prejudice is still prejudice even if you’re not legally equal. Hating an entire race/sex/gender/religion/etc. does not become ok because you’re not equal. You hate the system that makes you inequal, not the people who have literally no influence over it.

Y’all are jokes. Neither misogyny nor misandry is ok, and both are just as bad. Y’all stereotyping an entire sex and acting like women haven’t done the exact same shit doesn’t change that.

“Or snipping their largest pleasure organ for aesthetics”

Apparently, male circumcision doesn’t exist. Huh.

But yeah, everything Peebee said. Without fail, almost every woman who deflects about women’s possible shitty behavior with “but men are WORSE” has been a piece of garbage herself. It’s almost as if you’re covering your own asses. Funny how that works.
